Wonderful 17th Century Garden Design
July 1st, 2009 by Myarticle

There is nothing easier than planning a 17th century garden design. With a little bit of patience and enough time, it’s completely doable for you to complete. Of course, you must be as informed and knowledgeable on the issue as possible beforehand.

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Choosing Your Specific 17th Century Garden Design

Of course if you are going to go with a 17th century garden design the basics are going to remain the same regardless of what extras you add in. Do keep in mind, though, that you do want to add in your own touches so that your overall garden is unique.

So, don’t skimp on what you can bring to the design and be sure to add in your own touch. Choose elements which are going to mean something to you and which you find attractive.

The elements that you are going to want to have structure your garden and really be the main focus overall then are obviously going to be of a 17th century style. Then, fill in the gaps with your own likes and personal touches.

For instance you can put large rustic and aging flowerpots throughout the garden. This will give the garden a more classic and older look overall, and as well you may want to consider having an aged gazebo somewhere in the garden as well.

Another important feature of a 17th century garden is the types of plants you use. This kind of garden should have tulips, chrusanthemums and roses. Deciduous trees and vines should be the kinds of plants used. This will allow the garden to have that traditional feeling setting it apart from more common gardens.

The worst mistake that most people make when creating a 17th century garden design is not personalizing it enough. After all, although you do want to follow the ‘rules’ in order to make your 17th century garden as realistic as possible, at the same time you want to make sure that you have fun and that you use creativity and uniqueness.

The most important thing is that you enjoy the process of deesigning something that is uniquely yours. Because it can really be a lot of fun, and you can spend a lot of time working on a garden such as this.

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