Reasons Why Florists are Using Artificial Flowers
Feb 26th, 2010 by Myarticle

Nowadays the use of artificial flowers is becoming more fashionable. Whether artificial or real the look of plants and flowers in the home or work place give that place life and colour. As such, many people are fond of buying plants most especially those that bear flowers. An environment decorated with flowers and arrangements can may us feel relaxed and at ease as well as making the place colourful.

During the earlier times, the imitations of natural flowers were obviously artificial. But now, wecan no longer easily distinguish which one is real and which is synthetic. This is in the case offlowers used for decorative purposes.

The maintenance and care needed and given to natural plants and flowers is starting to become quite expensive and time consuming
is why most people have resorted to artificial flowers which are easier to maintain and reusable unlike the natural ones which will eventually die and wilt. And even if we dont agree with it
not these flowers will shortly be thrown out.

Even natural flowers are treated with some chemicals to help maintain their life span until they are sold. Unlike artificial flowers which stay longer without the need for chemical treatments. This is ordinarily case with owners of flower shops.

For those who buy flowers for all occasions and uses you will still need to use chemicals to treat the flowers or store in a cold place. But we still cannot deny the fact that natural flowers only look good when they are fresh, unlike artificial ones which can look fresh over long periods of time. Artifical flowers are commonly made from silk polyester paper plastic and clay.

In terms of longevity, artificial ones last longer than natural flowers. Due to the advent of modern technology, artificial flowers are more popular nowadays. Artificial flowers can be more colourful than natural flowers. They can give a brighter glow. They actually look more beautiful particularly when arranged. They can be presented in various marvelous forms and can capture emotions for a long time.

Right now these flowers are used for all types of events and reasons such as weddings birthdays and home decoration. For so long now companies have used artificial flowers to make their reception areas look and feel more friendly. When hosting a party or even of course you want the environment to look welcoming and bright. Natural flowers used for an event that takes place throughout the whlole day can start to wilt and not look their best.

We are not underestimating the effect that natural flowers bring to humans, but in terms of
being practical, artificial ones are being chosen by many due to a plethora of benefits that they can provide us. Todays artificial flowers are produced in the very image of the fresh / real alternative.

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