Jul 20th, 2010 by admin

The Basics of Organic Gardening

The stress brought by modernization has made people realize that there is a need to cultivate healthy foods. Thinking that these will ensure the health of the future generations, more and more of people became interested with the basics of organic gardening.

As defined, organic gardening refers to the act of planting and growing crops without relying on the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and other synthetic products. This is to ensure that the crop is 100 percent all natural and free from harmful chemicals and elements that can lead illnesses to people.

Pointers for organic gardening

In organic gardening, the basic consideration is the soil where the crop will be placed. Veterans say that the perfect soil for organic gardening should be filled with nitrogen, which will contribute much to the health of the crop being planted. The soil should also be placed in an area where sunlight and air reaches it.

Experts also advise that clay soil is the most ideal type to be used in organic gardening because it is relatively high in nutrients compared to other types of soil. Aside from containing higher amount of nutrients good for the plants, it is best in holding the water for replenishing the plants. Although some types can also be used such as sand and garden soil, they cannot produce better crops just like the clay soil can. What you can do is to add some organic matter to make it more suitable for the plants.

Aside from the soil preparation and the area where it should be placed, here are some of the basics of organic gardening to help you get by:

1. Preparation of organic matter. Since this will be the one where the plants will get their nutrients, preparation of organic matter should be paid attention very carefully. As defined, organic matter can be a plant that is decaying or an animal waste that is mixed together with the soil. Aside from decaying plants and wastes of animals, organic matter can also be a clipping of grass, leaves that are dried, scraps from the kitchen such as vegetable stalks and peels of fruits as well as heads of fresh or cooked fish. Organic matter is very important in organic gardening because it serves as a conditioner for the soil to support the growing crops in it. Organic matter should always be regularly replenished. It can be put on top of the soil or can be mixed with it so the nutrients and other minerals can be absorbed very well.

2. Controlling pests and other plant-related diseases without the use of synthetic chemicals. Since the basic premise of organic gardening is using all-natural products, it is best if you familiarize yourself with the natural means of controlling pests in your crops. These natural means of controlling pests include worms and other insects that can defend your plants against other harmful elements. You can also prevent your plant from diseases if you inspect them regularly for any sign of damage. Once you suspect that there is a threat for plant illness, it is best if you remove the plant affected quickly to avoid the spread of the disease to nearby plants.

3. Selecting the ideal plants for your organic gardening. One of the basics of organic gardening that all people should know is how to select plants that will fit your natural condition. It is very important to understand that not all plants are suitable for all climates. To ensure that you will grow healthy plants, make sure that you check your site conditions and decide which are the plants that can withstand the environment available.

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