How To Grow Strawberries Properly By Learning How To Plant Strawberries Efficiently
February 12th, 2011 by Myarticle

Strawberries can be grown in most parts of the country right at home in the garden.  Your local nursery will carry varieties that should work for your area.  Most everywhere in the country they’re going to be planted and treated as perennials in the garden, but in some of the warmer parts of the country like parts of Texas they are just treated as annuals and replanted each year. 

The first step naturally is to choose the type of strawberries that you want to grow.  They are generally broken down into three different types. 

The most commonly grown are the June bearing kinds.  While they do not really all bear in June, especially in the different parts of the country, these generally have a peak period of production that only last 2 – 3 weeks.  Nevertheless these have a tendency to be the largest and tastiest of the kinds, explaining their acceptance. 

There are also the ever bearing types.  Somewhat littler, these will have productive burst 2 to 3 times a season, and so stretch out crop season more than the June bearing.  These also don’t spread as much as the June bearers. 

Eventually are the day neutral varieties.  These are the most consistent bearers of the bunch, but tend to have smaller fruits than the other two.  Once again, they don’t send out as many runners as the June bearers. 

Since ever bearing and day neutral variations don’t send out plenty of runners, they’re the faves for use when planting strawberries in boxes.  This is a favorite way to grow strawberries, and makes it possible for many that do not have the room for a strawberry bed.  Either a hanging planter or a self watering container on the patio is two well-liked containers. 

If you do want to grow strawberries in the garden, keep in mind that since they are evergreens it’s best to put aside a bed for growing them.  There are 3 basic forms of beds used to grow strawberries… 

Learn Vegetable Gardening For Beginners and how to plant a vegetable garden which will produce fresh, organic food year round and save up to $5,000 a year on your grocery bill.

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