Your Questions About Organic Gardening
March 11th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Linda asks…

Organic gardening?

What are some things I can do to keep my plants from getting diseases, I don’t want to use any chemicals? And how do I keep vegetable eating insects out of my garden? I know there are some insects I can put in to eat the others, what can I plant to attract them?

Aldouspi answers:

Pepper plants are good for unwanted insects.

You can also use dish soap. Nothing fancy just regular “Joy” soap cheap soap only. But, there is a good chance you will kill the good insects too.

1st: Get a bucket, fill it with water

2and: Pour the soap in (not to much because you don’t want to get rid of all the good insects)

3rd: stir it up so it can blend. (not to much suds)

4th: Let the bucket of soap sit out in the sun for at least a couple of hours.

5th: Use a sprayer and distribute it all over your plants.

See the soap gets in the insects esophagus and the insect dies because it can’t breath.
You can use this anywhere in your yard.
Works GREAT for cinch bugs.

Susan asks…

Organic Gardening?

We are some of those people who grow organic.
Back in the 70’s-80’s this was something I kept to myself for it was not excepted in modern society. We live in Oregon so it was very excepted at that time.
Today is anther time and people claim that growing organic is the way to go bla bla.
However I am still finding that others are still very cruel to us who chose to grow our plants this way.
I do not understand why people are still very naive and get down right nasty to us who grow organic?
Our plants are HUGE and very healthy! Our edible plants one can eat them at any time during growth.

What are your thoughts on organic gardening?

Aldouspi answers:

I have been doing organic farming for 15 years (8 of that certified organic) in Ohio farm country and have found there is a lot lot less hostility towards what i do but the hostility is still there. I believe this is because people fear what they do not understand and change.

With conventional farmers remember they have been indoctrinated into the religion of chemical use and biotech and their priest scientists keep telling them this is they way to go even though it is obvious this is what is killing farming in the US (we have lost 95% or so of our farmers since the beginning of the Green revolution).

We also have chemical corporations that are very very threatened by organic ag because they will lose if every farmer and gardener stopped using their ‘cides and fertilizers and started making their own. These corporations have spent billions making sure as much of the population as possible has a negative view of organics (dirty, pot smoking hippies, over priced food, badly grown and tasting food, etc..)

So the ignorant keep on believing organic is bad and chemicals are good but this is changing and quickly.

Personally, I don’t see why someone would grow any way else it works so much better over the long term (and not so long term) than chemical farming/gardening.

Mandy asks…

organic gardening?

I want to have an organic herb garden. But because I have waited too long is it ok to buy starter plants that have a bit of pesticide used on them and never use pesticides again? Does the pesticide wash off? Can I just pinch off the part that had the pesticide used on it?
using the herbs for organic flavored oils

Aldouspi answers:

Yes go ahead just dont use it any more
and don`t eat the present leaves
the new leaves that come later will be Ok

the herb garden is more important than a few leaves with pesticide on it

George asks…

Do organic gardening products such as pesticides, fertilizers have to be certified?

I’m starting an organic tomato garden and with so many different options, I wanted to make sure that I’m only using products that are in fact organic. I understand that only food and fiber require certification, but what about gardening products?

Aldouspi answers:

If you want to be sure look for OMRI on the label or visit
It is not a requirement so some organic products will not be certified by OMRI.

Lisa asks…

What is the best organic gardening supply company?

I would love to start to organic garden but I cannot find the supplies in my local garden supply stores. Any catalog suggestions would be great. Thank you.

Aldouspi answers:

Avant-Gardening is highly recommended.

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