Your Questions About Herb Garden Indoor
June 12th, 2011 by Garden Lover

James asks…

Question about indoor herb garden light bulbs?

so i want to have a small indoor herb garden and there’s a place in my house that looks like it would be perfect and there’s a place for a light bulb above it….do they make a regular looking light bulb that is like sunlight for plants… I thought I heard of that before but idk. btw the light bulb would be about 2 1/2 feet away from the herbs. Is that ok? and if they make something like this about how much does it cost? Thanks a lot!

Garden Lover answers:

You best bet is to go with LED growing lights – they may seem a little bit more expensive upfront, but they use less electricity and last much longer and are cheaper in the long run (and better for the environment).

For general LED grow lights, visit; LED Grow Lights.

For LED Grow light bulbs, visit, LED Grow Light Bulbs

Of course, you can also visit the local nursery for more advice.

Thomas asks…

How Can I Grow an Indoor Herb Garden?

I really would love to start a herb garden for cooking but I live in an apartment with no balcony. Is it possible for me to start one on my kitchen counter? Which herbs would be best grow for my situation? This is my first time attempting to grow anything and I’m really not up for spending 150.00 for the Aero Garden. Thanks!

Garden Lover answers:

As I have already mentioned the use of LED Grow Lights, you can also use florescent grow lights…

You ca get the light fixtures and florescent grow light bulbs at Home Depot. For a 4 foot one the fixture at home depot is 8.77… then you need one cool white bulb in it – and one full spectrum plant and aquarium bulb in it – the cool whites are 3.95 cents for a package of two. Then the plant and aquarium light is 10.00… So, for under 25.00 dollars, you can set one up. Prices will vary from this, but you get the idea.

Here are some pictures of a friend’s lights and herb set up:

nice herbs
rooting cuttings
coleus and herbs

David asks…

I’m starting up an indoor herb garden. Where is the best place to go to buy good healthy herbs for my garden?

I would perfer an online site with a great selection.

Garden Lover answers:

Here are links to two great places online for herbs and herb seeds… Http://

Linda asks…

Anyone have good tips for an indoor herb garden?

I have never even had a real plant, but I’m interested in growing my own herbs indoors. Where is a good place to purchase what is needed for one? What are some helpful tips in growing and maintaining?

Garden Lover answers:

Lack of sufficient light is the main problem that most people have with regards to growing herbs indoors. Be sure to keep them in a sunny window or provide supplemental artificial light for them. Also try using a top quality potting soil, you can use Miracle Gro because of the slow release fertilizer which lasts about 3 months.

The easiest way to get your herb garden started is to get small plants/seedlings from a nursery or garden shop.Their knowledgeable employees can be a great resource for growing any type of plant, indoors or out.

Michael asks…

How do I sew seeds for an indoor herb garden?

I’ve purchased the potting mix, the seeds and some starter pots. Do I sew seeds in the pots or start them in a petri dish with water in the bottom? Do they need heat, light, darkness, fertilizer?

Garden Lover answers:

You can sow the seeds in the potting mix with a moist feel to it, cover them with a thin layer of soil, and then cover the container with a clear plastic film that can then be placed in a window for a few days.

When the sprouts appear, partially shade them and avoid over heating the container. This is when the sprouts may damp off from too hot a container and from too much sunlight. Also when the sprouts grow larger, remove the plastic film completely.

Fertilizer is not really needed at this point since the soil mix will have most of what’s needed, later fertilizer should be added carefully. Good Luck.

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Indoor Herb Garden Kits For Sale

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