October 21st, 2010 by admin

Worm Farming Tips

Worm farming is a great activity. To help you along the way, here are a few great tips.

Feeding your worms the right food is important otherwise they will not be able to grow or even multiply. To do that, make sure you feed these little creatures things like coffee grounds, grass clippings, manure, rabbit pellets, vacuum dust and vegetable matter. Never make the mistake of feeding them dairy products, meats and certain vegetables like onion because this could kill them.

Some people might be wondering how much food should be given to worms. While some say do this through trial and error, the best way is to gauge the size of the worms because most worms are able to eat half their body weight which is approximately about 250 grams.

When you give your worms food, make sure that this is always fresh and kept at a temperature of about 24 degrees Celsius. If you want to increase their appetite, give them some worm fattener. To make this, mix some pet pellets, wheat flour, rice bran, lime and some milk. Be sure that it is dry and moist before putting it in the container.

The more worms eat, the more fertilizer they are able to produce. Aside from giving them food, don’t forget to give them some water as well since what they produce is 80% water. Water should be given in small amounts otherwise they could drown. This should also be poured every couple of weeks.

If ever the worms stop eating, see what could be the problem. It is possible that the worms are not able to reach it so you have to make some adjustments. If this is not the problem, stop feeding them for a week so they will consume the old one.

The worm population will reproduce in 2 to 3 months. If you are afraid that they will overpopulate try transferring some to a new container. Another option is to put a few of them in your garden but this will only work if there is a thick layer of mulch.

Worms can be grown all year round and under any weather condition. If you are planning to raise a worm farm outdoors, be sure to check on them.

If it rains, the worms will move up to higher levels but since this is not enough, you better transfer the container under the shade. If the weather is hot outside, you better do the same since they can only survive between 10 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Fort those who live in cold climates, you better cover the container with an old blanket or carpet. You should also increase their food because this will give them warmth when they decompose.

Ants may compete with the food that is supposed to be eaten by the worms. To prevent this from happening, add water to raise the moisture levels and add some garden lime. Another technique is to rub Vaseline on the legs of the container as this will prevent the ants from reaching their home.

You will have fun worm farming as long as you follow these tips. If you want to know more, read up on it or ask people who have been doing this longer than you for some advice.

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