Wild Bird Feeders – What Are The Birds Eating?
June 2nd, 2011 by Aldouspi

Wild Bird Feeders – What Are The Birds Eating?

Author: Marty Carlton
Wild Bird Feeder

I’m always amazed at the variety of birds I have show up at my wild bird feeders. I have a bird feeding station outside my home office window and love to see who’s visiting and see the new arrivals. It is a good way to take a break from my work and be able to observe nature from my window. I’m in a suburban neighborhood and you can find a lot of different types of birds that show up to feed here. You do not need to have a place in the country to take pleasure in feeding the birds and getting to know the kinds of wild birds that live in your area.

One of the reasons I get such a variety of wild birds at my feeders is that I have a variety of food and methods for birds to feed on. That’s why I call it a bird feeding station. Its not just one wild bird feeder, but many unique kinds.

I have them on shepherd’s hooks or bird feeder poles to try and keep them out of reach of the squirrels and give the birds a bit of space between the feeders. I love to see the wild birds perched on the tops of the wild bird feeder poles, on the clothesline or the lip of the bird bath waiting their turn at the feeder of their selection.

So who eats what from my wild bird feeders?

Sunflower Seeds. Probably the most prevalent sort of feeder can be a tube feeder filled with sunflower seeds or mixed seeds. These will attract the most birds; songbirds, cardinals, sparrows, chickadees, juncos, etc.

Nyjer or Thistle Seed. These are a favorite of the finches, especially goldfinches. It is possible to use a tube feeder for these, too, but you want one made for Nyjer seed, it has a extremely fine mesh. It is possible to also use a stocking kind of feeder, essentially like a mesh bag.

Platform or Ground Feeders. Doves, juncos, towee, quail are ground feeders. They eat seed spilled from the hanging feeders off the ground. Since I have cats, I also put a raised platform out for them to feed from a lot more safely.

Suet. Woodpeckers, Flickers and Nuthatches love suet. I only feed suet during the colder months, as there does not seem to be much of an audience for it in the summer when bugs are plentiful. Suet cakes can be hung in suet feeders or mesh bags. The birds will need to have the ability to cling to the feeder, often upside down, to eat.

These are just a few examples of what you’ll be able to put in your wild bird feeders to attract a selection of birds to your yard. Once you hang your first feeder and enjoy watching your visitors, you’ll wish to add an additional kind to see who else comes to visit.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/bird-watching-articles/wild-bird-feeders-who-eats-what-3832921.html —- About the Author:   Get many hours of pleasure watching birds at a wild bird feeder. If you want to bring a little bit of nature up close where you can really watch, come and check out some of the beautiful feeders we have at http://wildbirdfeederss.blogspot.com

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