October 14th, 2010 by admin

Why Do You Want To Get Into Worm Farming

People get into worm farming for different reasons. Some do this to do their share in eliminating waste also known as worm composting while others feel that it is much cheaper to produce your own fish bait rather than buying it at the store.

Worms can eliminate waste by simply eating it. Once they eat, they produce what is known as vermicast which happens to be the safest fertilizer in the world. You can then scrape it off the bin and then put it in the soil.

If you think this is smelly like the poop you produce or what dogs and cats make, think again because it doesn’t. This is because it is ph neutral meaning it is halfway between acidic and alkalinic which is similar to water. When you smell it, you won’t even know it is the waste of the worm because it looks like soil.

The great thing about worm composting is that you can do this indoors or outdoors. You just need a container and in a few months time, you will be able to produce rich compost.

Now the best worms to use for composting are the red worms. Studies have shown that it reproduces easily and they have a very strong appetite. Don’t use dew worms for worm composting because these are less likely to produce the same results.

You can feed the red worms just about anything if the waste you plan to give them is plant based except for citrus and highly acidic vegetables, pineapple and grass clippings because these will kill the worms.

Other dietary options include coffee grounds or tea bags, crushed egg shells, fruit peelings, hair clippings, stale biscuits and cakes, saw dust, plate scrapings, soaked cardboard, vacuum cleaner dust and vegetable scraps.

Now the second reason why a lot of people get into worm farming is to make fish bait. In fact, the best one to use is the European Night Crawlers because you can use these under any water condition including salt water.

Just like the red worm, you need four things to be able to make these grow and multiply. This is namely bedding, food, moisture and proper pH.

You can build the bedding yourself or make your own as there are instructions how to do this in books and online. If you want to avoid the hassle, then buy your own but be aware that there are only a few of these around since this worm is only new in the US.

One of the most fascinating things about worms is that they spend most of their lives eating. They don’t sleep and the only time they ever take a break is when they have to reproduce. Worms never overpopulate unlike us humans because they have a way of maintaining the balance between the food and the space that is provided to them.

Worm farms are great and it doesn’t matter why you want to raise them. Some people who have successfully bred them have even turned it into a business. Regardless of your reason, you have to give some time and effort taking care of these creatures. We need the worms and they need us so you could say it is a win-win situation for both parties.

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