Which Plants Attract Garden Honey Bees?
June 2nd, 2011 by Aldouspi

Which Plants Attract Garden Honey Bees?

Author: Raul R. Jones

Garden Honey Bees

Although some people would not like having honey bees in their garden, there are many people who love having them.

These people understand bees can decorate their garden and give it a more natural – like look. They also understand that garden honey bees are essential for fertile gardens in the backyard as well as in the wilds.

It is also important to protect our natural specie of bee.

The good news is that there are actually ways to attract honey bees to your garden.

Honey bees feel naturally attracted to some kind of plants of flowers due to their colors and smells.

For instance, herbs and garden flowers can be very attractive for them.

Here are some things to consider when planting in your garden with the purpose of attracting garden honey bees:

Focus first on native plants. They will grow naturally in your garden.

Native plants also have the advantage of not needing too much of your time to devote extra care to them. That is a plus since there are some plants and flowers that require a lot of attention from gardeners.

Consider roses and lavender. They have very nice smell that will make the bees want to live by their side. You will enjoy the nice scents of the flowrs in your garden, too.

Bees also like colors. They can not see red, but they do like white and yellow a lot.

The other types of plants you may consider are herbs like basil, cat mint or thyme.

Consider planting annuals like sunflowers, zinnia, asters and marigolds.

Perennials like clematis, geraniums and buttercups are bee pleasers.

And food plants like blackberries, raspberries or even cucumbers will attract garden honey bees

Keep in mind that having garden honey bees around can be a responsibility. So you may be very careful, in case it is not allowed in your area. Find out that first. Of course, the bees will have many places to visit besides your garden so thaty won’t be around all the time…

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/gardening-articles/which-plants-attract-garden-honey-bees-3738747.html —- About the Author:   I am a bee keeping fan. I have a beautiful beehive in my garden that I love very much.

I welcome you to my website to know more about bees, bee hives and bee keeping.

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