What Gardening Tools Do You Really Need?
June 7th, 2009 by Myarticle

Whatever size your garden is, it’s obvious that gardening equipment can help make maintaining your garden heaps simpler.  But there are so many tools available that it can be difficult to know which equipment you really will use, particularly if you’re new to gardening.  It’s simple to avoid making a mistake by just buying everything, but then you’ll be left with no money and a storage area full of things you don’t need.

So which tools are worth buying?  Gardening involves shifting dirt around, so a digging tool is always a wise choice.  If you’re mostly working in pots or containers, then a sturdy trowel is a worthwhile investment.  A shovel is better if you’re going to be moving large amounts of soil around, or to assist you with planting trees, vegetables and flowers.  It might be tempting to save yourself some effort by choosing a power tiller or plough, but unless you have a very big garden, they probably involve more expense and trouble than they’re worth.

Another good tool to buy is a rake or hoe.  Again, if you’re going to mainly be working in smaller areas, a pot-sized equivalent is a good idea.  These tools can be used to smooth soil and remove weeds.  You may prefer to do this by hand, but it’s quicker with the right tool, particularly in a large garden.

Although they’re not technically a tool, good gardening gloves are also useful.  It may be worth having a couple of pairs – some heavy duty ones for rough work, and some thinner ones when you need to feel what you’re doing. 

Once your garden is established, then at least one pruning tool is a necessity.  Depending on the size of your plants, choose anything from pruners or secateurs through to large tree loppers.  It’s worth spending a little extra to buy a solid, reliable pruning tool, otherwise it may be ruined the first time you try to cut anything with it.

A few more tools that you can probably survive without, but will make gardening easier depending on the size of your garden, include:

– Wheelbarrow
– Garden fork
– Watering can
– Hose & hose reel
– Rake

Again, it’s easy to find cheap tools, but if you want to use your tools for a long period of time, think of choosing good quality tools as an investment.  Cheap tools generally don’t survive as well, and are frequently less durable and easier to damage.  Happy gardening!

To get more information about choosing gardening tools, check out http://www.gardeningzoneonline.com

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