Venus Flytraps For Sale
October 6th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Venus Flytraps For Sale


Venus flytraps are often seen on marshlands. This carnivorous plant captures its prey by means of a trap formed by each part of its leaves. The operation of the trap is rather intricate and it involves the interface of the leaves involving tension, elasticity and growth factors. When the trap is open, its two spiny lobes are bent outwards, while the lobes are bent inwards when in closed position.

The trap is triggered by means of hair contact and will close fully only when multiple contact of hairs are initiated. This prevents the trap from closing accidentally due to other things like rain or debris. The movements of the prey inside the trap will further induce a growth reaction that compels the edges of the lobes to contract and seal the trap. This process will go on gradually for a few hours until the trap is fully compressed and the prey along with it. The prey will be digested within 10 days.

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Venus Flytrap in Action

Venus Flytrap in Action

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