The Biodynamic Gardening Fuel
August 27th, 2010 by admin

The Biodynamic Gardening Fuel

The mind and body of every person works in tip-top condition because they are fed with foods that provide vital nutrients. Machines complete their long list of workloads and withstand the pressures of every single task because they are appropriately powered by any of the energy forms available. Just like in the two mentioned situations agricultural methods are made possible because of certain key elements that provide for win-win opportunities. Let’s take a look at the very fuel that makes the biodynamic gardening and farming machinery run to its full potential.

The presence of humus stains on the soil is very important in ensuring favorable crop production. First let’s find out what humus is. Basically, humus is a degraded organic material that can found in the soil which brings about the dark brown or black characteristic in some of its layers.

In the field of soil science, it is referred to as any organic matter that has reached a certain point of stability in which breakdown will never take place and in unchanged condition it will remain unscathed for a long period of time. In agricultural talk humus can be described as mature compost that is naturally occurring to be extracted in sources like forests to amend soil. Moreover, it is identified with topsoil horizon that is composed of organic materials.

Humus is usually tagged as the life-force of the soil. Now, this so-called life force can occur via a process known as humification which can take place via natural means with the soil itself or by compost production. The significance of stable humus contributes to the soil fertility both in terms of physicality and chemical components. But for some agricultural gurus its highlight is within its ability to suppress soil deterioration and plant diseases.

Humus works in various ways. In physical aspects, it contributes to the retention of soil moisture by adding up to its microporosity and encouraging the formation of patent soil structure. In chemical terms, it facilitates easy access and absorption of plant nutrients by incorporating oxygen into large organic molecular compartments that will generate active forms of negatively charged sites that can attract positively charged ions of nutrients. In biological facets, it allows adequate and appropriate feedings of soil organisms that eventually results into good reproductive results.

Humus is actually a complex substance having a nature that is not fully grasped within the agricultural circles. It can only be differentiated from organic matter as having a more uniform appearance of a dark, spongy, and jelly-like substance. It is amorphous in terms of structure meaning it does not possess a definite character and shape.

Humus can also be termed as humified organic matter as in recent versions of studies and documentations it has been considered to be an integral portion of soil organic matter. However the line between humus and organic matter can be drawn by employing the services of a microscope. The view of a humified organic matter without chemical manipulation within the magnifying capacities of a microscope can showcase minute but identifiable plant-like and animal-like microbial remains which have been mechanically altered.

Biodynamic gardening is just like its fuel. The humus, with its unique complexities enables each and every plant-loving individual to enjoy their craft and reap its rewards.

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