The Basic Ways to Get Rid of Cattails
December 24th, 2010 by Aldouspi

The Basic Ways to Get Rid of Cattails

Cattails are a frequent phenomenon within many North American pond settings, and initially appearing rather innocent. At first you might notice such a plant and dismiss it. You may just think the same thing the following day, and the next day, and perhaps several days following that, until that day you look out the window, and the entire pond is overgrown to a point where you require an air-boat to get through it, as if you were living in the everglades.

Now that you have been overrun by the cunning army of the cattail, what kind of offensive action will you take? Will you rally your troops and go in with guns (or pesticides) blazing? Or will you choose guerrilla tactics? That is completely for you to decide, since regardless of what technique you choose, those plants aren’t sentient, therefore they won’t see your approach, meaning that you will always possess the element of surprise.

The are several choices at your disposal in the area of cattail destruction.

Physical Removal – You’re naturally, welcome to attempt pulling those cattails by hand. But if you do this, try to get to them when they are young, otherwise they will grow sturdy roots and become extremely hard to pull. And if by the time that you start eliminating them, they’ve already overrun the pond,there’ll be a ton of hand pulling to do.

Cutting – You can chop down those cattails, though remember that it’s smart to cut them somewhere around an inch below the water line so you’ll deprive them of oxygen and they will die.

Lowering the Water Line – Cattails, like any other living creature, require water to survive. By lowering the water line, and ensuring those plants don’t receive everything that they require, they will expire rather quickly. Of course, if they’ve already spread seeds, you’ll have to do it again the next year. If you have no issue with lowering and raising the water line in your pond every single year, then that will be a realistic option for you.

Pesticides – A final decision, since pesticides can hurt the organic life in the pond, which would cancel out the purpose of owning a pond. Regardless, you can continue purchase any herbicides that you require from stores, or the Internet. Just remember the hazards.

Keep another thing in mind, you might believe these cattails are a major problem and you need to eradicate all of them, but know that cattails help stop erosion, and that is a very good thing.

Did you know that cattail pollen is a food source – you can add it to pancake batter, for example. And there are other uses for cattails as well. So try to remember to leave, at least, a couple cattails alive, since all plants and animals serve a purpose, even if the purpose is unknown to you.

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Cattails can be very beautiful plants in the right place. Out of place or to many cattails they can be a very hard weed to control. If this is the case and you need cattails removed check out the website –

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