Training Cucumbers on Trellises
Sep 1st, 2009 by Gary Antosh

cucumber trellis

Last year, I succumbed to the lure of training cucumber vines to go up in the air, and found the method so fine, that I’ll never go back to growing them on the ground again.

This method of growing cucumbers kept my crop out of the mud and made it easy to find and pick. I recommend it, unqualifiedly, especially for those who have limited garden space.

To make a fence for the vines to climb on, I got three 8-foot lengths of pipe and drove them 2 feet into the ground at about equal intervals. I then strung two 3 foot widths of chicken wire between the posts and tied them at four or five points up the length of the posts with wire.

The soil was then dug deep on one side of the wire fence at five points, say 2 feet in from each end post and at three other equidistant points between. This was done just far enough out from the wire fence so as not to touch it anywhere with a shovel.

The beds were only a foot wide and practically round. In the bottom, I put 4 quarts of well-rotted manure and mixed it with the soil. On top of that, I put some rich compost and leveled it off with regular garden soil. It was then ready for seed.

I have used the disease-resistant, drought-resistant hybrid cucumber seeds for years with great success. The vines stay green longer and bear longer than the regular run-of-the-mill cucumbers. Also, with the hybrids, the larger 8 and 10-inch cucumbers are tender, green, crisp and small-seeded.

I push about five of the hybrid seeds into each hill and pack it down firmly. If all five germinate and no accident befalls them thereafter, I pull out all, but three. I put brush over them for a couple of weeks to keep off dogs and cats and water the seedlings frequently until they are well rooted. After that, they can take care of themselves in all kinds of weather.

When the vines begin to topple over from their own weight, I begin to train them onto the chicken wire. Sometimes they can be strung through the openings in the wire and sometimes they need to be tied.

I use a thick, cotton yarn bought at the dollar store, wind it around the vine three times and three times around the wire and tie it. As more runners develop, each one is tied to the wire similarly. Some of the vines will find their own footing on the wire but they have to be watched as they grow rapidly. Some vines have to be tied once or twice a week to keep up with the 2 or 3-inch daily growth.

Its fun to watch little blossoms form into tiny cucumbers and then grow bigger and bigger each day.

More and more blossoms open and more and more tiny cucumbers develop until in a matter of a few weeks there are 6 and 8-inch cucumbers there for you to pick off.

Some of them hang down through the trellis, fences or fabricated fences until they reach the ground. Some are knee high.

When you pick them they are dry, clean and straight. No vines are trampled in looking for the fruit in a forest of leaves on muddy ground. Most of the fruit is in plain sight looking right at you.

I shall dig my beds on the opposite side of the fence this year. Thus, I’ll avoid pulling up stakes and changing my location.

Learn more about the topic of fabricated fences. Drop by today at

Cucumbers, Amaranth, Squash Vine Bores, Asian Long Beans

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