Orchids flowers look like a Little Dutch Shoe! (Bulbophyllum frostii)
May 11th, 2011 by admin

Orchids flowers look like a Little Dutch Shoe! (Bulbophyllum frostii)

  • Bulbophyllum Species Orchid
  • Plants in 2½” pots to flower anytime
  • Flowers are shaped like little Dutch Shoes
  • Suitable to grow on a windowsill or under artificial lights
  • Easy to grow, Beginner Orchid

THIS CUTE LITTLE PLANT IS VERY POPULAR. A must have for any collection Some of you may know this better from its synonym, Bulbophyllum bootanoides. It is a little ‘Dutch Shoe Orchid’ from Viet Nam. The imagination doesn’t have to stretch very far to see little wooden shoes. Easy to grow in a small pot, these also do well grown in a small basket or mounted on a log. Grow it shady and moist. The plants are compact and easy to grow on windowsills or under artificial lights. We offer vigorous, seed

List Price: $ 12.00


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