biodynamic farming tips for cultivating earthworms indoor
Sep 5th, 2010 by admin

Biodynamic Farming: Tips for Cultivating Soil-Friendly Earthworms Indoor

Are you considering adapting biodynamic farming? It is about time you do so. Nowadays, costs of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers are higher. There are also health and environmental issues that you have to look at. By using natural techniques to farming, you could effectively become more productive. The soil could be made richer by keeping it safe and healthy. Natural organisms that thrive in it should not be put off, specifically and especially earthworms. Did you know that many farmers these days are aiming to multiply the number of earthworms in their land? There are techniques to do so.

Vermiculture is an artificial way of cultivating and breeding earthworms. As such, the technology is appropriate and effective to be facilitated and implemented indoors. While usual composting can be done outdoors, vermicomposting is perfect indoors. Vermicomposting is composting biodegradable substances and objects using earthworms. The idea is that earthworms would feed on decaying kitchen leftovers and animal manure. In the process, worms feed, digest and metabolize leaving excretions that are made up of organic nutrients that make the soil richer.

Vermicomposting can also be done outdoors, but indoors is how it can be perfectly conducted. Worm bins are commercially available for the purpose. Worm bins are special containers that are designed and manufactured especially and specifically to facilitate earthworm growth and reproduction for composting. The earthworms to be raised and reproduced are also available commercially. There are various businesses in operations today that supply such worms. There are two options for buying the worms. One, you can buy the worms by the bulk for direct transfer to the plots or soil containing crops. Second, you can buy vermiculture worms for the purpose of raising them further so you can reproduce and culture your own earthworms artificially.

Red worms are most ideal and recommended for vermicomposting. Such manure worms or red wigglers thrive mostly in decaying organic matter like compost heaps, manure piles and leaf piles. These worms are basically smaller in comparison to night crawlers. They are reddish brown in color and are natively found in Europe. The presence of red worms is indicative of soil fertility because they herald high organic matter content as toxic substances are eliminated as well in the soil.

Aside from that, red worms are best for indoor composting. That is because the creatures are efficient organic waste processors. They take in food and excrete their own weight all the time. A small worm bin can yield significant pounds of nutritive and ideal compost, called popularly as worm castings. In two to three months, indoor compost can be harvested and used as organic and alternative fertilizer.

If you are really serious in adapting biodynamic farming, you should start raising and cultivating soil-friendly earthworms. If the soil in your garden does not contain more than enough of those soil, it is about time you adapt vermiculture technology to do so. It would truly be a lot of help in your endeavor. For sure, production of your land would rise.

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