Fly Fishing, How to Catch More Trout
May 30th, 2011 by dragonfly

Trout and other fish have common feeding behavior.  Understanding these feeding clues are good fly fishing fundamentals that will make fly fishing more fun and productive.   These clues are telling signs of what type of foods the trout are eating and whether the food is on top of the water or subsurface.  A wide brimmed hat and a good pair of Polaroid sunglasses will reduce glare from the water and help you spot these vital clues.


1        A normal rise with bubbles indicates that trout are taking food off the surface.

2        Trout leaping out of the water may be feeding on flying insect like dragonflies and damselflies, spinners and caddis flies.

3        Tailing trout with their head down fossicking and tails in the air indicate feeding on nymphs, pupae and scuds.

4        Smelting.  Trout are taking baitfish and are aggressive in their feeding, sometimes there will be bow waves as the bigger fish rush in and attack the baitfish in the shallows.


5        Slashing means the trout are feeding on fast moving insects like caddis moths and grasshoppers. Slashing can also indicate feeding on snails; this can be exciting but hard fishing.

6        Porpoising indicates trout feeding on emergers.  With abundance of food in some cases the trout will be predictable in their direction of feeding before the surface again.  Landing a fly well in front of the fish porpoising can be effective.


7        A swirl or small whirlpool means the fish are feeding below the surface.

8        Bulging also points to feeding just under the surface.  Sometimes the trout will angle up towards the surface and stop as they take the food causing a bulge in the water.

9        Sipping indicates trout feeding on smaller insects like ants or spent spinners low on the water surface.

10    A normal rise without air bubbles is a sign of the trout taking emergers right under the surface tension of the water.  

 Studying the water and feeding behavior of trout and other fish will increase your knowledge and observation skills.  These indicators will increase your chances of landing the trophy fish as you can then select the right imitation fly, equipment and techniques to match the hatch! 

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