Your Questions About Flower Garden Pictures
May 12th, 2011 by Garden Lover

Michael asks…

What is a flower garden called that makes a picture or spells words?

I’m looking for the word that describes how flowers are planted or arranged in a garden to make a picture or spell out words. It’s usually a large garden display, and the flowers form words (like at the end of a city and the flowers would spell out the name of the city, or the flowers would make a huge clock face).

What’s that called?

Garden Lover answers:

Topiary. Http://

Here are a couple of Topiary Frames on eBay…
[phpbay]topiary frame, 2, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Ruth asks…

Can you name a very short-blooming garden flower?

I’m writing a story, and I need the name of a very SHORT-blooming but BEAUTIFUL garden flower.

If it requires a lot of dedication on the part of the gardener, and is kind of temperamental and/or rare, that’s even better.

If you can, please provide pictures of said flower, the time of year it blooms, and the climates it can grow in (I don’t want my story to have any factual errors).

I know nothing about botany… thanks for your expertise!!!

Garden Lover answers:

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. It grows easily in the tropics but requires a lot of care in temperate climates as it is killed by frost or drought. Each flower is huge lasts only one day. So if your story is based in a temperate climate you have a suitable one there. I grow this and I have to keep it in my bedroom all winter.

It’s not rare – many garden centers sell them as houseplants – but they are hard to keep as in order to flower they need more light than you get in most houses and the plants grow very big. They flower in the later half of the summer.

Make sure you use this particular hibiscus, some hibiscus are hardy and will grow anywhere.

Donald asks…

Where can I have my picture taken with live bunnies in a live flower garden?

I know the photagrapher’s name is Chad Engle, but I do not know where his studio is located. I believe that it is somewhere in Kentucky.

Garden Lover answers:

You are probably thinking of Chad Engle of Barbourville, Kentucky, his website is at: He does take nice photographs…

Of course, a local photographer may be able to arrange what you want. Just get permission from a flower shop or person with a live flower garden and go to a farm supply and buy a bunch of bunnies. You can probably sell the rabbits back after you are done or just give them back, if your project is important enough. The bunnies are fairly inexpensive and there are also stuffed bunnies….

Paul asks…

I trying to find pictures of rock/flower center pieces to accent the front lawn?

We are removing our current lawn (front yard) and we want to show a beautiful center piece, such as, a rock/flower center piece garden, with grass. The backyard will be golf turf for my husband to use for putting his golf balls.

Garden Lover answers:

circular flower bed

You may want to design a circular flower bed. The idea is to create visual interest by using symmetry and by varying the height of the design elements. The center should be something of height — whether it is a fountain, a small tree, or a very large rock. It is then surrounded by circular plantings of medium height plants, followed by the lowest plants along the edges.

You may want to vary the bloom times of the plantings that form your circles within the design — tulips for spring closest to the center, followed by progressively later blooming plants (or vice versa). For real punch, you can pick colors for each layer that are opposite each other on the color wheel — orange alternating with purple, or red alternating with blue. For something more harmonious, pick colors beside each other the color wheel — soft pinks and blues, for example.

Annuals will give you a longer bloom time, so are more often used for circular flower beds than perennials. If you live in a hot dry part of the country, then your design might feature more of the desert species, arranged and layered in the same way I’ve described above.

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[phpbay]Flower Garden Picture, 13, “”, “”[/phpbay]

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