Ideas for Stone Wall Landscaping
Aug 27th, 2009 by Myarticle

Creating a stone wall more then one stone wall in your yard can really enhaince its beauty and value. Whether you chose to use natural stone or manufactured blocks, the effect is unique and impressive. Few yards can’t profit by having areas marked off or raised for dramatic effect, and using stone makes those boundaries more defined.

Some of the things you can create include a retaining wall, a raised bed or border, for a complete range of ideas you can contact your local landscaping business. Manufactured blocks are easier to use and appear more formal in the yard. Manufactured blocks come in a variety of colors, sizes and shapes. They are designed to fit together in a specific way that ensures their stability.

People often mark of small areas in their yard with stone walls. Building a low stone wall around tress really makes them stand out. Using serval rows of rock will help you create a raised bed in your yard. Raised beds are particularly good for flowers and vegetable plantings. Once you build the wall you add soil and amendments before planting, these beds usually have fewer weeds as well.

Formal stone walls have been used for thousands of years to delineate borders, to create field boundaries and to help retain soil and water. Everywhere you look in New England you will see stone walls. Stone wall can create terraced areas for planting veggie and flower gardens and add beauty to your yard. Stone walls are normally not needed to hold the land in place but are mainly for beauty.

If you are looking for a one of kind stone wall look, then natural stone is for you. It can be best to vary the size and shape of the stones for a more secure wall when your done. Building a wall is an art form. If you spend time fitting the stones together correctly the result with be a beautiful stone wall.

By contacting a local landscasping firm you can get a complete range of ideas for using both natural and manufactured stone. Many landscapers can design and build stone walls that match your dreams. Stone wall work great with the flow and curves of your land. Once the scope of the plan is worked out you will know if you need to hire someone of do it yourself.

Stone walls are a good addition to any yard. Stone walls don’t need painting or cleaning and they will last almost forever.

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