A Guide to Growing Roses From Cuttings
Feb 21st, 2010 by Myarticle

You may want to learn how to grow roses but perhaps can’t afford to get them from a garden center. Or maybe you don’t want to waste time and money on rose bushes from such a source until you know for sure you have the right kind of green thumb. One way of finding out what color your thumb is may be by trying to grow a rose bush from a cutting. Do you have a friend or acquaintance with a rose garden? They might be willing to give you a few cuttings, so you can try the experiment.

You’ll have to pick your roses carefully, though, because not all types of roses grow well from cuttings. It’s likely some expert gardeners have managed to do it even with the difficult varieties, like hybrid teas. But if you still don’t know much about how to grow roses, or you’re not very experienced, then you will find varieties that simply will not grow by this method. Of course do some research to get specifics, but you can be fairly confident trying this with varieties like floribundas or miniatures.

You ought to carry out rose pruning in early spring, taking several six-inch stems (or for miniatures, three-inch stems). Cut them on a slight slant, in the morning before the stresses of the day.

At one time, folks knew how to grow roses with cuttings protected by Mason jars, and the method still works. So as soon as you have your cuttings, get rid of the bottom leaves, with just several at the top, and dunk the stems into a rooting powder. Then set them either into your garden soil or into containers of potting soil. At this time, position a Mason jar over each stem and water once in a while over the next few weeks.

In milder climates, you may be able to grow rose bushes from these cuttings just by putting them in your garden soil during the summer and forgetting about the Mason jar. On the other hand, in cooler regions, you might start them in containers indoors with a heating pad beneath them to help stimulate the roots. There are some general tips for how to grow roses from cuttings, but these need to be adapted to your particular situation. If you can induce your cuttings to root and start growing, then it might be a good, gradual way to start your rose growing hobby.

Rose gardening can do wonders for your health. How can planting roses help your health? The simple act of tending your garden can help relieve a lot of stress from your life.

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