The Benefits Of A Cold Greenhouse
Oct 24th, 2009 by Myarticle

I have gained so much pleasure from my greenhouse, that I would heartily recommend that every gardener should have one. Even if you feel that the cost of heating a Greenhouse or indeed the cost of green house kits is too prohibitive, a cold greenhouse is still very useful indeed. A cold greenhouse is really a technical term. It means that the greenhouse is not heated in winter. Also, other than by using shading and ventilation it is not artificially cooled in the high summer.

A cold greenhouse will save you money and enlarge the number of plants that you can grow successfully. Greenhouse gardening need not be expensive. Even without the use of artificial heating it will protect tender plants from the wind and you can extend the growing season because of the heat that is stored from the early and late summer sunshine.Therefore plants will grow for a longer season if grown in a cold greenhouse than if grown outdoors; You can also grow plants for which the normal outdoor season is not long enough, such as melons and peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes.

You will also be able to save some cash, by raising your own summer bedding plants in the cold greenhouse from seed, instead of buying from the garden centre. You will also have plenty to spare to give to friends or sell on market stalls.

When striking cuttings, the process can be helped somewhat in the cold greenhouse by adding a little botom heat by way of small tray heaters.Though many cuttings are perfectly successful without that adition.

Sweet corn seed needs warmth to germinate (as do many other seed including tomatoes) so sowing them in a cold greenhouse helps no end. By getting an early start in the greenhouse you effectively extend the growing season. Don’t forget that, As every gardener knows,sweet corn cooked within minutes of harvesting, tastes so much better than those bought fresh or frozen. You can (and if you are a keen gardener probably have) raised seeds on your window sills. The problem is that the plants become impossibly ‘leggy’ before you are ready to put them outside. Because the light comes from all round them in a greenhouse, this does not happen.

So if you haven’t tried a Greenhouse, it will pay its own way in a short time and will increase your sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in gardening. So build a greenhouse now.

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