How A Raised Vegetable Garden Saves 90% Of Your Gardening Time
Jul 17th, 2010 by Myarticle

A raised vegetable garden is not just a pretty ornament to make your garden look nice – they can produce an endless supply of healthy food with very little time. In this article I want to point out just how much time you save with a raised garden as opposed to traditional gardening techniques.

It is very common to see gardeners planting their veggies in long lines about 3 feet apart. However, this method requires far, far more time than necessary. Why? The answer is digging and weeding.

It’s not beause people are too lazy to do their gardening, it’s because few peple have the time avaiable in their hectic lives. Often it’s only when the kids have left home that parents finally have the time to grow vegetables – which is a shame as there is a fantastic short cut to all this hard work…. raised bed gardens.

So why isn’t there a raised vegetable garden in every backyard? Because of tradition. It’s the way it’s always been done, and not many people know the secrets of raised beds.

Planting in lines has been done for generations and generations, going right back to the agricultural revolution. This layout was first conceived to allow ploughs to be dragged over fields, and a scaled down version was adopted by gardeners. The problem is that for small spaces, this is really not that efficient in terms of both the space usage and the amount of time needed to prepare and maintain the garden.

Digging put most people off the idea of growing your own vegetables at home. If that isn’t bad enough, you’ve also got to weed the soil. But with a raised vegetable garden, you can avoid these problems completely because the plants are so tightly packed that the weeds are shaded out.

Since there are no aisles needed between rows, you can grow at least 4 times the amount of produce in your own garden. This means that either you can grow more vegetables or have more space in your garden for the lawn, shed, patio, etc.

There are other advantages of raised vegetable gardens such as needing 80% less water, and being able to grow on bad soil, or any surface for that matter. Yet, the best reason for making a raised bed is the amount of time it saves. I am not kidding when I say that you can save 90% your time spent gardening. Instead of an hour or two a day, you only need to dedicate a few minutes.

Please click for more information on raised vegetable garden tips.

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