Amazing Tomato Growing Tips
Sep 8th, 2011 by admin

Amazing Tomato Growing Tips

Tomatoes are of many different varieties and each have been bred to grow best in a particular region with a particular climate. Growing tomato plants is one of the most rewarding and satisfying hobbies because you are able to plan, plant and grow tomatoes all in a few short months. If you are interested in growing tomatoes then you should make sure that you have done all your homework in terms of research in the processes and  gardener-tested tomato growing tips. There are some unique and amazing tomato growing tips that are available, which will help the person to have a great time growing these tomatoes.Here is some help with many of the basics of tomato growning that will help you in successfully producing your tomato crop.

Soil preparation: This is the aspect of tomato growing that has to be completed even before you actually sow the seeds! You have to make sure that the soil in which the tomatoes are going to grow has a lot of natural organic material. Begin your composting early before the season. Add egg shells to your compost for added calcium that tomatoes require. Your soil mix should be a heavy, mulched, slightly acidic soil (pH = 5.5 – 6.5). As your tomatoes mature you will need to apply nutrients. Universal fertilizers (N-P-K) are available at your local nursery. Go easy on the the nitrogen and stronger on the phospherous and and potassium, for good tomatoes.


Increase production: Many professional gardeners will spray there plants with tea extract or seaweed. This should be sprayed at least four times when you are growing a tomato plant. The first two times should be immediately after you have replanted the plants with adequate space between them. This phase of spraying gives more strength for the plant to grow. The second time when you spray the substance should be when the flowers are seen on the tomato plant. The third and fourth times are when the tomatoes are growing on the plant. This helps to increase the flowering and the yield that you get from the tomato plants.

Pruning: There are many hobby tomato growers who make their fatal mistake in this phase of the tomato plant’s growth. The pruning phase is missed by almost all beginning hobby gardeners. The reason for this is that the tomato plans look very fragile and vulnerable that the person who is growing them is too scared to break off the tip of the plant, but this is one of the most essential tips that is very effective in helping you to get a bumper crop because pruning the plant will make the plant to give a better yield of bigger tomatoes. Simply pinch off the outer ends of the plants. This forces the nutrients and growth down to the tomatoes and blossoms instead of just growing more vines.

Harvesting tips: This is the rewarding part of growing tomatoes. Every hobby garderner and professional farmer are excited about harvest. This is the conclusion of several months of caring for their tomato plants. Don’t delay. When your tomatoes turn color, uniformly on the fruit they should be ready to pick. If you place your open palm under the tomatoe it should easily fall right into your hand. If you become a little over zealous and pick one that isn’t quite ripe.Simply place it on your window sill and in just a day or so it will be ready for the salad bowl.

Happy Gardening



Adam Bradley just wanted some great tasting tomatoes! His family had so much fun “tomato farming” it got out of hand. When people began asking for indoor advice, he used first hand knowledge and research to offer tips on growing tomatoes. Read more here: He invites anyone who would like some great tomato growing tips, to his free Mini-Course on growing tomatoes:

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