Sharks: 21 Interesting Facts
Feb 26th, 2012 by dragonfly

Sharks: 21 Interesting Facts

By: Alex Anderson<


Sharks - Endangered Species

by USFWS Pacific under CC BY  with
Sharks – Fascinating Creatures


Sharks have been alive for about 400 million years, which is actually, 200 million years older than the dinosaurs. They are mesmerizing creatures and I am would like to tell you some facts about I’ll wager you didn’t know.

There are more than 350 kinds of sharks, starting with very tiny ones like, the Dwarf Lantern Shark, just 7” long, to the monstrously enormous, the Whale Shark, reaching up to 50 feet nose to tail.

Sharks are found in every one the Earth’s oceans.

There are no bones in a shark’s body; its skeleton is made up of cartilage.

Sharks possess a highly sensitive sense of smell, It can detect one drop of blood in a million drops of water (25 gallons) and can smell blood 0.25 mile (0.4 km) away. They also can pick up minor vibrations in the water. They detect vibrations in the water, dozens of feet away, and sounds thousands of feet distant. They also know from which direction the sound is coming from.

Tiny protrusions called denticles cover a shark’s skin, and they are sharp like tiny razor teeth.

The reason sharks must swim constantly is that their bodies are more dense than sea water and they will sink if they stop moving.

They do not sleep as humans do. Even if they appear to be snoozing, they are really resting.

The Basking shark is pregnant for 2 years, while most of the other species of sharks produce young in about 2 months.

Sharks dislocate their jaws to help them get a big bite of their prey.

If a shark has ingested something that disagrees (such as a plastic bottle, or a turtle’s shell), it thrusts its stomach out through its mouth and throws up and then pulls it back into its body.

Bizarre stuff has been found inside shark stomachs, such as:   A bottle of wine, a nail, a suit of armor, a treasure chest, a torpedo, and a drum!

A shark cannot eat a Puffer Fish as the Puffer Fish blows up like a balloon and then then the sharp needles standing out from its body spear the mouth of the shark.

Average swimming speed for sharks is about 20-40 MPH, but the Mako Shark can reach swimming speeds of up to 60 miles an hour!

There are 3 types of shark fins: One fin below their body and 2 on their backs called dorsal fins. The body fin is called the pectoral fin (not all sharks have the pectoral fin), and a third style of fin on their tail is called the caudal fin.

Sharks boast multiple rows of teeth and as they are lost, they are replaced by new teeth growing in from behind, like a conveyor belt mode. The Whale shark has a staggering number of teeth – 4000, but they are tiny, less than an 1/8 inch long. The Whale shark may go through a 1000 sets of teeth during its lifetime.

Only around 25 types of shark attack people, and only about 6 people a year are actually killed by sharks, but movies like “Jaws” create huge fear of sharks. It’s good to know, 90% of people who suffer a shark attack, survive.

Before sandpaper was invented, the rough skin of sharks was used to shine wood.

The only shark that can thrive in both salt and fresh water is the Bull shark..

The Swell shark, living in the waters around New Zealand, barks like a dog!

Indians in Florida used teeth from Great Whites as arrowheads.

The shark is certainly an amazing and adaptable creature! It’s old name was the ‘Sea Dog’ up to 1570, when it became known as the shark. Stories will still be told in the future, just as in the ages gone by about these ‘Sea Dogs,’ whose legends will live on. Though you cannot own a shark for a pet, the next best thing will be the remote control shark!

Some Remote Control Sharks For Sale

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Author Resource:-> Hi I’m Alex. Have you been dying to have your own Remote Control Flying Shark? Discover everything you need to know to order, properly assemble, and care for your RC Flying Fish. Bonus – how Tesla invented the Remote Control, with photos. Click here and order your shark now! Read the glowing air swimmer reviews here!
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Shark Related Items For Sale

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