Expert Tips On Orchid Care That’s Essential For Your Orchid’s Health
Jan 15th, 2011 by Myarticle

Orchids require a different manner of care than common houseplants because they are a totally different variety of plant. Here is some important advice to follow when growing your own orchids:

Give Your Orchid The Right Amount Of Light

Giving your orchid sufficient light is totally crucial for orchid care if you expect your orchid to grow into the superb plant that it was meant to be. Orchids do very poorly in low or limited light, and will complain by producing insufficient blooms, if any at all. If the leaves of your orchid display a dark green in color, it means that your orchid is being denied of sufficient light. However, too much light will burn your orchid and will consequently harm it. Again, the leaves can furnish a clue. If the leaves turn a yellowish-green or red color, your orchid is getting too much light. An optimal or adequate amount of light will result in the plant’ leaves displaying a bright healthy green.

Place a screen or filter between your orchid and the sun’s rays to provide the right amount of light. You can do this by draping thin curtains on your window and placing your orchid on the windowsill. Feeling the leaves of your orchid is another good way to tell if the plant is getting sufficient light. Present more diffusion if the leaves feel warmer to the touch. If the leaves feel cooler than the surrounding air, you may have to move your orchid to another spot where it will get more sunlight.

Feed Your Orchid the Right Type and Amount Of Fertilizer

Feeding your orchid too much fertilizer is uncharacteristic of how it feeds in the wild. If an orchid is given too much fertilizer, the roots will burn and this will drastically affect its blossoming. In their natural environment, orchids receive their nutrients in the rain water they absorb. Rain water is saturated with nutrients from organic debris of decomposing vegetation, including leaves and the bark of trees where many species of orchids grow. The orchid roots absorb the rain water abundant in nutrients and feeds the plant.

Orchid’s nutritional needs are different from crops and common household plants. Therefore, do not use everyday plant fertilizers. These types of fertilizers contain urea, a compound that’s ideal for houseplants but fatal for orchids.

A special fertilizer formulated just for orchids is required that contains primary ingredients of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Roots Are The Source Of Your Orchid’s Wellness

It’s essential that the roots of your orchid gets adequate air circulation. Cut affected roots that exhibit signs of rot with a sterilized cutting tool. It’s crucial to use cutting tools that have been sterilized to extinguish the risk of spreading an infection from other plants that were pruned with the same tool. Remove the old potting mix vigilantly then place your orchid in a new pot slightly larger than the old one and add fresh mix. You can use a clear pot including glass or plastic that will permit you to check the roots of your orchid without removing the plant from its pot. Orchids must guarantee the health and well-being of its roots before it can flower.

Orchid care is actually quite simple, but it’s necessary that you know the ins and outs of what makes these beautiful flowers grow.

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