Your Questions About Heliotrope
Nov 5th, 2011 by Aldouspi

John asks…


what is a short history of the word “Heliotrope“?

Garden Lover answers:

“Helios tropein” Greek for; turns to the sun. Helios means Sun and tropein means to turn towards. The beautiful purple, pink color “Heliotrope” flower is called by this name; which means turns towards the Sun. So it is a color and it is a species of flower as well. Hope that helps!

Chris asks…

How do I grow Heliotrope?

I have a heliotrope plant in a pot in my yard and it isn’t doing well. Should it be in sunlight or shade? How often should I water it?

Garden Lover answers:

Susan asks…

Does anyone know of a good perfume that has heliotrope in it and the main ingredients are citrus scents?

I am looking for a new perfume for winter time or the upcoming summer. I dislike flowery scents. So please do not list any of those..

Garden Lover answers:

I don’t know of any particular heliotrope perfume by name, but if you can find a custom perfume shop, of which there are many, you can have one blended for you. That’s not as expensive as it might seem, either.

Some Heliotrope Perfume For Sale

[phpbay]heliotrope perfume, 4, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Sandy asks…

Why is the swarovski heliotrope star so rare?

Anyone know where I can get my hands on a few? I want them for my bridesmaids’ necklaces, thanks 🙂

Garden Lover answers:

You can buy a Swarovski heliotrope star pendant from most handmade jewelry sellers who stock Swarovski stars. This will be made using a genuine Swarovski crystal star, but the completed pendant is not made by Swarovski.

Here is an example site:

Some Heliotrope Necklaces For Sale

[phpbay]heliotrope necklace, 4, “”, “”[/phpbay]

William asks…

My Heliotrope flowers are turning brown. Why is this?

Heliotrope is not blossoming the way I heard they should. I keep it moist (not to wet) and it does get some sun. Help!

Garden Lover answers:

How hot is it where you live, maybe it is receiving too much heat. Try putting it in the shade for a while. Pinch off the dead blossoms to encourage new flowers and give it some Miracle Grow. I love heliotrope, but sometimes it can be hard to grow….

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Heliotrope For Sale

[phpbay]heliotrope, 17, “159912”, “”[/phpbay]

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