How To Plant A Garden For Your Physical And Mental Health
Digging in the dirt and making things grow is a fun and rewarding hobby. Your body benefits from the extra movement and time in the sunshine, and you feel a great sense of accomplishment.
Growing your food is its own reward, too. You get freshly grown veggies that you can serve yourself or your family.
New research shows that spending time outside can help with anxiety, depression, stress, anger, and fatigue and gives you an outlet for creativity and a great sense of pride. The increased activity can even ward off Alzheimer’s Disease. Kids can benefit from helping, too. Studies show that children who don’t get enough time in natural areas can suffer from “nature deficit disorder.” So creating your own green space can make a huge difference in everyone’s well-being.
How to start a garden
If you’ve never tried it, building and maintaining a garden might seem like a daunting task, but with a little planning and elbow grease, you can soon have a bounty of fruits and vegetables for your whole family to enjoy.
Plot out an area for your garden.
Dig up the grass with a sod cutter or spade.
Dig up or till the land. (This is also a good time to add compost.)
Use an edging material or an inch-wide gap to keep the grass from creeping into your garden.
Take the time to place your plants before you put them in the ground.
Place your plants in the soil.
Add mulch about 2 inches deep.
Give it a good soak.
Keep your new garden watered and free of weeds, then wait for the delicious results! For more tips on starting a garden, read on here .
Fertilizing your garden
Most soil lacks the key nutrients that plants need for optimum growth. Even if your soil is rich in nutrients, the plants will eventually use up those nutrients and leave the soil less fertile. Adding fertilizer to your garden helps replenish those nutrients to keep plants flourishing and in top form. The amount of fertilizer you need and how often you use it will depend on the types of plants you are growing, as some use more nutrients than others.
When your crops start to yield fruits and veggies, you’ll feel a warm sense of pride that all your hard work has given you such a rich reward. And the hard work you’ve put into this bounty will continue to yield amazing results for you physically and mentally.
Last update was in: March 22 2025, 4:56 am
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