The Organic Vegetable Gardening Way
May 11th, 2010 by admin

Organic Vegetable Gardening
Planning ahead, making the right choices, dedication, and constant care are basic traits needed for organic vegetable gardening. There are other elements involved, of course, such as garden locations, plant types, the amount of sunlight, and the richness of the soil to achieve a bountiful harvest from your organic vegetable garden.

Just as they say in the movies (or real estate), it’s all about location, location and location. The same goes with vegetable gardening.

When choosing a place to plant your vegetables, it will be to your crops advantage, to be placed in well-drained soil and, if possible, near a good water source. You may also want to invest on a perimeter fence for your garden. You never know, some animals might be prowling about or some mischievous kids. Both can easily decimate a garden that you’ve been laboring on for months.

Composting is an important aspect of any organic garden. And having the best garden is a good reason as any to create your own compost pile.

Ideally a compost pile should occupy an area of about 10 square feet. Don’t allow the compost to pile up too high. It would be to your convenience to maintain the pile between 3 to 5 feet high. Make sure that you leave the top flat with a small catch basin on the middle for catching rain or adding water into the compost pile. Click here for the World’s Best Compost method.

To add the compost into the soil, you can either work it into the soil or use it as a mulch and spread it on the surface. The first method would provide faster sustenance to your vegetables, plus a good, mature compost will lessen weed problems. As a mulch, the nutrients will eventually be integrated into the soil providing nutrients along the way.

In any gardens, especially in organic ones, disease control and pest management can be an issue. At times, the problems might be too much – that you see yourself inching towards the chemical insecticide or weed killer in your shed. If you have not done so already – throw that can of chemical stuff away – disposing of it according to local laws. There are natural and safe ways for you to solve weed and pest problems, so relax.

To avoid diseases the fist place to start is with your seeds. Get vegetables from resistant variety strains or seeds from disease-free plants. Once your crop is growing, some organic farmers use sprays or solutions which are 100% of natural and friendly to the environment. Another ploy is to fight fire with fire, this is, use insects to fight insects. Organic growers often introduce natural predators into their gardens to help control pests. Or they grow certain plants that attract natural predators.

If you still find these ineffective, try using the low tech but very effective method: use your hands. You can pick off the pests in your vegetable garden. If you have a big garden, host a barbecue and have your guests do a little organic gardening pest control for their supper.

Organic vegetable gardening brings a lot of satisfaction. The fresh air, the sunshine, and the experience alone are really worthwhile. Plus you have the satisfaction of fresh vegetables that you know are safe and nutritious.

Vegetable Gardening: Three Sisters Companion Planting

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