Eat Healthy With Your Own Organic Garden
Apr 29th, 2018 by Gardener

TIP! Your children will enjoy the experience of working with you in the organic garden. Growing a garden is a great way to teach your children about nature while allowing you to have time to bond with them.

Organic gardening requires a green thumb and a lot of patience. When you enjoy this hobby, you often have a goal of growing healthier foods for your family to enjoy. Does this seem to be easier said than done? The following hints and tips can help you grow your own organic garden easily and successfully.

TIP! If you want your children to enjoy your organic garden, plant some tasty strawberries. Children love to pick their own fruit right out of the garden, and will be more willing to help with the process if they get something out of it.

Involve the whole family in your gardening hobby; children find growing things to be very interesting. Helping a garden grow is an excellent learning experience for kids, and it allows your family to spend time together while creating healthy, nutritious foods.

Consider planting strawberries, especially ones that are everbearing, for your garden if you have small children. Children enjoy picking fresh fruit, especially if they can eat it right away.

TIP! After your seeds sprout, the containers do not need to stay as warm as they once did. Your seedlings should be moved away from any heat source.

Aspirin water will strengthen your plants against diseases. Try dissolving around one and one half aspirins into around 2 gallons of water for your plants. Spray the plants with the aspirin water to assist plants in battling disease. Be sure to repeat this process every two or three weeks.

TIP! Use about two to three inches of organic material as mulch in all of your flower beds. Mulch discourages weeds and helps retain moisture while adding nutrients to your flower bed.

If you are planning to grow plants within the house, the temperature should be maintained between 65 and 75 degrees within the daylight hours. Young plants need a temperature within that specific range to grow. If your home isn’t that warm during in winter, try a heat lamp to use on your organic plants instead.

TIP! Don’t underestimate pine as a great mulch. Certain plants are acidic, and thrive in acidic soil.

Just as when outside, plants kept inside need varying degrees of sunlight, which can be harder to obtain from indoors. The amount of light available can determine which type of organic plants you should grow. For example, if your living area does not provide much natural sunlight, you could grow those plants that only need low to medium amounts of natural light to thrive. You can also get special lamps if you want a different kind of plants.

TIP! You need to avoid chores in your organic garden stacking up. Even if you can’t tend to your garden daily, you can do little things to help so that there is not a huge amount of work to be done when you are ready to get back to it.

It’s simple to quickly prepare your soil for the planting of a perennial garden. Use a spade to dig into the turf, turn the turf over, then spread the area with approximately three inches of wood chips. After a few weeks, you may then utilize the area to plant your flowers.

Flower Beds

TIP! When planting seeds, you should bury them three times as deep as their actual size. It is important to note though, that not all seeds are covered to this depth, as some need direct sunlight to grow properly.

Use several inches of organic materials for mulch in your flower beds. Covering the beds with mulch serves multiple purposes; it helps the flowers by retaining moisture and adding nutrients, and it discourages the growth of unwanted plants. In addition, your flower beds will have a beautiful, finished appearance year round.

TIP! It is a great idea to help your garden by ruffling seedlings, either with cardboard or with your own hands, a couple of times each day. You may think it odd, but studies show that this action results in plant growth that is more substantial than would otherwise be achieved.

You should work efficiently, instead of working hard in your garden, to simplify things. Do not spend half an hour looking everywhere for a tool. Get all of your tools together before you go into your garden, then place them in a safe spot when you are finished with them. If needed, purchase a tool belt or heavy duty pants with plenty of pockets.

TIP! Try using untreated stone, brick, or wood to create a raised bed. If you choose wood, ensure that it has not been treated with a sealant or other chemicals.

Coffee grounds are good for your soil. Coffee grounds add many nitrogenous nutrients to the soil that will benefit your plants. Your plants will really bloom if they get the nitrogen they need from coffee grounds or compost or diluted urea.

TIP! Gardening is not only a great hobby, but also a way to feel at peace with the earth. Organic gardening will accomplish that feeling even more so.

Try to avoid letting your organic garden chores build up. Not everyone has time to tend their gardens every day, but by doing little things whenever you have a chance, you can avoid having things pile up. For example, if you are playing in the yard with your child, take a few moments to pull some weeds as well.

TIP! Make sure that you plant your crops in segments at three-week intervals. This way, all of the tomatoes will not be ready to harvest at once.

Organic gardening combines hard work, patience and nature. This hobby enables you to grow delicious food in your own backyard. If you follow these tips and put in a great effort, there is nothing stopping you from becoming a good organic gardener.

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