Top Tips For A Thriving Organic Garden
Apr 15th, 2018 by Gardener

Gardening is a relaxing and fun hobby for many people around the world, but doing it organically is even more rewarding. However, a beginner may find the whole experience intimidating. How should a novice approach the learning experience of growing plants? Reviewing the advice that follows would be a good place to begin!

TIP! Starting seedlings in pots before planting in your garden is a smart idea. This really increases the survival rate of young plants.

Your plants will respond better to gradual changes of environment. Put them outdoors in the sun for no more than two hours the first day. Then over a weeks time, slightly increase their time outside. At week’s end, the plants should be welcoming of their new home.

Transform the handles of your tools into convenient measuring devices. Tools with long handles, such as rakes, shovels or hoes can work as great measuring sticks. Measure the handles with a tape measure laid out in the floor. Paying close attention to the measurements, use a black marker to establish each interval along the handle’s side in a clearly visible manner. Next time you are working in the garden, you will have a large ruler at your fingertips!

TIP! Use annuals and biennials to enliven your flower beds. You can use biennial and annual flowers to brighten the bed, and let you change how it looks.

If you plan on growing peas, you should consider starting them indoors instead of beginning them outside. The seeds will have a better germination rate if you start them indoors. The seedlings tend to be healthier, which would help them resist diseases and pests more easily. You could transplant the seedlings outdoors once they are able to survive and thrive.

Organic Mulch

TIP! If you want to effectively weed out young plants, you can try “boiling” away the weeds. The safest herbicide that you can use in your garden is a simple pot of boiling water.

Protect the soil around your vegetable plants with an inch or two of organic mulch. The organic mulch will keep moisture in the soil for a little longer. This method will also prevent weeds. That helps you save a great deal of effort and time in weed eradication.

Cooled water left over from steaming vegetables can be fed to them as a little snack. If you have rhododendrons or gardenias, use coffee and tea grounds to acidify the soil. Chamomile tea can be used as an effective fungicide for potted plants.

TIP! Try dividing the irises. Increase your iris stocks by dividing your overgrown clumps.

Pick a plant that will be a focal point. In any good garden design, a focal point will grab the eye and hold it there. The best focal points are those plants that really stand out from those that are adjacent.

If you have a problem with your dog disturbing your garden, you can repel him by spraying perfume or other scents on the grass near the edge. This will mask any scents that might attract your dog and make your garden less interesting to him.

TIP! Start peas inside in a container, rather than planting the seeds outdoors. If you plant them inside, they might germinate more effectively.

With the tips in this article you may be able to make organic horticulture a more enjoyable experience. Growing a garden the right way is a rewarding and relaxing experience. Use what you have learned, and your garden will blossom.

Many people wish to become more knowledgeable about
, but they may not know how to do that. This article, luckily, is exactly what you need for that. Now, all you have to do is use this article’s tips.

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