Use Organic Fertilizers and Save Our Planet
Dec 18th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Use Organic Fertilizers and Save Our Planet

Organic Fertilizers

Earth Day was established on April 22nd, 1970, by Senator Gaylord Nelson. Its initial purpose was to provide a platform for all the different environmentalist groups to unite under a single day to thrust forward their message of conservation and environmental preservation. The movement was successful with over 20 million people participating world wide by marches and rallies in the name of Earth Day.

The main idea behind the movement was to provide enough backing in order for conservation messages to get through. It was because of the dire need for large organizations like government bodies or multi-national companies to pursue avenues in their processes that were more ecologically sound.

One important step in the conservation movement is to use renewable energy and to use all natural products where possible. Just by following these two steps we are certainly able to make significant progress in our environmental conservation goals. A large of this has focused on proper manufacturing and use of fertilizers.

Although very cheap to purchase and use, the true costs of synthetic fertilizer weren’t fully know when they were first introduced. Only after many years of use has the true costs become apparent – a severe drop in the fertility of soil and farmland and the actual death or desertification of soils. The initial application yields are the greatest, but are only available on a sloping yield curve (crop yields diminish over time). The synthetic chemical fertilizers eventually kill the soil that they are applied too over time, causing the farmland to be unusable and leading to bankruptcy for the farmer.

In addition to damaging soils and destroying long term natural fertility, the run-off leached from the use of highly soluble fertilizer has also caused huge damage to the surrounding water systems such as lakes and rivers who suffer from the access nitrification. The extra nitrogen in the water has lead to excessive weed growth, algae blooms and oxygen starvation for many fish in the water systems. This level of upset in the
eco-system has been likened to the affects of oil spills.

The best alternative for sustainable farmlands is to focus on the use of natural and organic fertilizers. As the products used to manufacture natural organic fertilizers are natural and clean, there is almost no risk of upsetting the local eco-system with their use. The earth really has no place for synthetic chemical fertilizers and its devastating side-affects.

Organic fertilizers make use of raw natural products like litter, compost, scrap fish and even farm wastes. Whatever is taken from the earth in terms of raw input is then returned to the earth in the form of fertilizer. This equality means that the balance of the ecosystem is maintained with very little risk of ever upsetting that balance.

Although we are can only hope (or pass laws) that large corporations and industrial farms change their practices to favor environmentally friendly practices, action from individual, private citizens can also be very helpful in returning sanity to the soil. We can start by changing out lawn and garden fertilizing habits by buying only naturally organic products and keep from overusing products in favor of conservation.

Just because we have made mistakes in the past, doesn’t mean that we can allow this to continue on into the future. The time to act is now. Show your support for Earth Day by adhering to the message of conservation and protecting the environment from further harm. It is our responsibility to make this planet we live on a better place for our children and our grand children to live.

About the Author: Look towards keeping the environment clean and conserve using fertilizers like Bio-Agro Organic Fertilizer

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