How to Seed a New Lawn
Jul 28th, 2009 by Myarticle

If you are preparing a new lawn you will need to decide on lawn seed or laying turf. Making use of lawn grass seed is a great deal lower-priced than turf and has the advantage that you have a greater selection of various sorts of lawn seed to select from. The optimum period to sow your lawn is in the fall or Spring as you need moist and relatively warm conditions. The summer would not be the best time to start your lawn as you will have to water constantly and too hot conditions aren’t perfect for the young seedlings to grow.

Different types of grasses grow at diverse rates so how long it takes for your new grass to be ready to use will be dependant on the type and the blend of grass seed that you used. You’ll also have to to consider what type of grass seed you should use. There are specialized shade grass seed for areas that do not get lots of sunshine, sunny grass seed for areas that do! An extremely popular brand is Scotts grass seed.

Preparing The Site

Prior to seeding the lawn you need to prepare the location suitably. The spot you have selected ought to be dug carefully and the stones taken out and large clods broken down. Rake the section and tamp down lightly with your heels. The surface should then be scraped lightly to make furrows for the seeds.

Seeding the Lawn

There are two approaches used for seeding a lawn, by hand and by means of a machine. To use a machine, weigh out the amount of seed blend considered necessary for your area then put half into the machine and sow by operating the machine up and down the area in strips. At the end of every strip, to prevent over-seeding, you could use plastic to cover the ground or shut the holes in the machine. You may also use canes placed in the earth or string to direct you. Now put the rest of the grass seeds into the seeding machine and, walking at right angles to the original rows, complete sowing the lawn.

If you’re hand seeding the lawn it’s a good idea to split the area into sections of a yard square with twine and canes. Determine the amount of lawn seed you need for each segment, weight this out and add to a small container. Make a note of about how much this is so that you don’t need to repeat the weighing every time. Evenly seed the first section, setting seeds in both directions in order that they are applied evenly. Now restock the container to roughly a similar height as earlier and seed the next segment. Go on until the whole lawn area is done.

Once the whole area has been seeded rake over lightly and water completely.During the next week to fortnight make certain you water consistently if there is no rain. The seedlings should begin to sprout in the course of this time.

How to Mow Your Newly Seeded Lawn

As soon as the lawn seedlings are about 5 cm tall you may cut the lawn for the first time preferably with a rotary mower. Carefully collect lawn trimmings or use a rake and be cautious not to disturb the new seedlings.

Read more about looking after your lawn at All for One Lawn Care Advice

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