Plants Love Compost
Jul 25th, 2010 by Myarticle


If we here at cool garden things had to pick a “Coolest Garden Thing” our pyramid and spinning composters are definitely frontrunners. Compost is fun, easy, and responsible. Composting is an excellent choice for the gardener with a green thumb and a green mind. The process is simple: place all organic waste (lawn clippings, kitchen food waste, etc.) in the composter and let nature do it’s work to make nutrient rich dirt you can use on your garden. The composters we offer through cool garden things are designed to allow the proper airflow needed to help break down the waste into nutrient rich fertilizer, all you need to do is keep the pile wet!)

Compost provides a whole host of services for your garden. According to the EPA compost helps your garden’s soil by aiding in the processing of beneficial micro-organisms which help break down organic matter to create nutrient rich all natural fertilizer. The composting process cleans contaminated soil by eliminating pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons left over from lawn and garden treatment. It even helps prevent pollution. Throwing compostable material into the trash isn’t a great idea, when surrounded by uncompostable material compostable waste does not break down, composting at home allows for proper breakdown and cuts down on methane formation associated with decomposistion in landfills. Working to minimize community waste is a great step towards a cleaner environment. A composter is a small change to your lifestyle that can make a big difference in your garden!

Composting is the best way to get cheap, nutrient rich fertilizer. The initial investment on the composter will quickly pay for itself considering the amount of money you’ll save on plant food and store bought fertilizers. Store bought fertilizers are known to be bad for the environment and can seep chemicals into groundwater. Compost is all natural, so you can breathe easy knowing you’re doing your part to help the earth while saving some cash to boot!


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