For those who enjoy the hobby which requires some increased visual function, such as bird watching, or amateur astronomy, your first purchase of a binocular will be very confusing. This is simply because most of us do not know how the binoculars work.
The word “Binocularâ” is derived from two Latin words; “Biâ,” which means two and “Oculusâ,” which means eye. The word Binocular describes a hand-held instrument, which functions as an instrument that helps to magnify distant objects, to be examined in detail, with the help of eyepiece.
The best way to understand a pair of binoculars is to relate it to a pair of adjoined telescopes.
This is how Binoculars work:
The large lens at the end of each telescope, works similar to the human eye; allowing the light to pass and capturing the image to be viewed. Binoculars also perform another function, which is to enlarge the image. This is done by passing the light through a tube, which enlarges the image and also makes it appear closer. The eyepiece attached at the end of this tube, which acts as a lens, also magnifies the image further. The resultant image is not only magnified, it also appears very clear.
The actual image that appears as a result of the binocular function is an inverted one. We are able to view the upright and correct image because there is another set of lens that is added to the chamber, which sets the image right side up.
There are various types of binoculars that you can choose from, Oberwerk binoculars and camera binoculars are two amongst many other options.
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