Lawn Mower Maintenance
Jul 26th, 2010 by admin

Lawn Mower Maintenance

You have a state of the art lawn mower, but suddenly after just a few months of using it suddenly breaks down. Once you purchase your own mower, then you should take some steps on how to care for it. There are some steps that you can do to make sure that your mower is running in optimal condition.

Every month when checking your mower, make sure to check that the blades of the mower are sharpened. With dull blades, the mower uses 20 percent more fuel since you would have to spend more time going over the grass to give the whole lawn a total even cut. How does the blades get dull? There are rocks in you lawn, and these rocks are not free from the blade. They will take away the sharpness of the blades.

Getting excess vibrations whenever you are mowing indicates a damage in the blade. To avoid vibrations, check the blade and the engine mounting bolts. Check the mower wheels, bearings and axles for wear and lubrication. Replace loose, wobbly wheels. Check belts and gears for wear and fit.

After mowing everyday or after the last mowing of the year you can do the following maintenance tips:

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