Organic Gardening for Beginners
May 9th, 2009 by Myarticle

If you would like to extend the amount of time you spend on the planet Earth, start growing and eating your own organic food. By growing your own organic food you have ultimate control over what you are putting in to your own body. Pesticides from companies like Monsanto and Bayer that cause cancer, are avoided, when you eat what you grow organically.

What Is Organic Gardening? – For Beginners:

When you garden organically, you only use materials from living things; synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are not used on your plants. Manure and compost, made from kitchen scraps and yard waste, are used as fertilizer for your garden.

Natural pesticides can be made and used to effectively prevent and treat weeds and pests. Organic gardening does require a little more time, but overall the results are worth it.

It is not only more nutritious food that comes from an organic garden and landscape. Such practices also result in healthier soil, greater abundance of life in the forms of birds, animals and insect, cleaner water and a safer environment for everyone -including yourself and your family and neighbors.

Choose An Area For Your Garden:

When choosing an area for your garden, you want to figure out the maximum sun areas on your property, and the areas most protected from the wind. You will also consider your water source location, since your vegetables are going to be watered more or less every day.

Preparing The Soil:

Once you have determined exactly where your garden is going to be located, you need to prepare the soil for planting. One of the best kept secrets of experienced organic gardeners is to test their soil before they plant. By testing the soil for pH, you can take whatever action is necessary to produce an abundant organic crop. Adjust the PH depending upon what kind of vegetables you are going to grow – this can be done by adding organic fertilizer and minerals.

Start Composting:

Your new organic garden will require plenty of fertilizer before and after planting, and this need is easily met with a compost pile. Kitchen plant scraps, coffee grounds, leaves and grass clippings all make great composting material.

Lunar Gardening:

Do you know about the moon’s gravitational effects on the flow of moisture in soil and plants. Gardening by the moon is as old as time; in ancient times everything was governed by the phases of the moon.

The moon controls ocean tides, influences the groundwater tables, and influences the movement of fluids within plants. The moon moves through a complete cycle every 29 days, and for moon gardening purposes the cycle is divided into four quarters or phases. To plant by the moon phases you need an almanac or calendar. Such as a Farmer’s Almanac.

Legally Regulated:

If you are planning to sell some of your organic crop, you should be aware that organic food production is legally regulated in the United States. These regulations require the growers/sellers obtain organic certification in order to market the food as organic.

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial on organic gardening. IT was designed to give you an overview of organic practices. But the best way to learn is to do – Happy Gardening!

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