When To Plant Grass Seed?
Nov 16th, 2009 by Myarticle

When it comes to planting a lawn the period of its initial growth is most important. If during this time your lawn fails to take root properly then you might have to start all over again. There are certain conditions that lawn will grow quickly in as well as certain times of the year that are considered to be the best.

If you want to know when to plant grass seed you might also consider the following: scotts grass seed reviews canada grass seed reviews reviews on grass seeds

Sometimes you find that you have bought the right type of seed to go with the climatic conditions of where you stay and that you have prepared the ground very well. Yet planting at the wrong time of the year will require you to pay extra attention to your lawn just to get it t grow.

If you are going to be planting grass seed you need to appreciate that it requires lots of water to grow. So during summer because of the high temperatures involved; planting during this time might not be a good idea. weeds grow very well during the summer months and planting your grass during this period might not also be a wise thing to do. If you are going to be planting in summer then spread some peat moss over the area to prevent the seed from drying out.

The best times to plant would be in spring or during early fall. During this time of the year the temperatures are not so high and the grass does not need too much watering. It is not a good idea to apply weed killer when the grass is still small. Once the grass has fully grown then you can be at liberty to apply the weed killer. What you can do is apply fertilizer to it regularly just to make sure the grass is getting all the nutrients that it needs.

For those that live in places that are sunny for most of the year; the season really doesn’t matter, as long as there are regular periods of sunshine. For other varied climatic conditions there is seed that is adapted for each environment, find out which grows best in your area.

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