So You Want to Grow Hydroponic Lettuce
Nov 24th, 2009 by Myarticle

Hydroponics is the growth of plants without using soil and the name means. The grower provides the plants with all of the nutrients they would usually get from the soil though water instead. Hydroponics can be used on a mass productions scale, or it can easily be scaled down for use by the home gardener as well. A good place to start is hydroponic lettuce growing if you are new to hydroponics. For novice farmers the plants are easy to work with and are very forgiving.


You will need to prepare for starting your hydroponics garden two weeks in advance of actually planting the lettuce. First of all, gather all the equipment you will need. You will need to get a container that is 5-gallon size with a lid. Using a dark plastic container works the best as it helps prevent algae from growing. If you can only find a clear plastic container, cover it with a dark plastic film or aluminum foil. Also you will need a growing medium. Oasis root cubes work well for hydroponic lettuce. Pre-formed grwoth mediums such as root cubes are easy to handle. They should be designed for propagation and ahve a neutral ph. You will also need your lettuce seedlings, of course. Two weeks in advance of the planting, insert the seedlings in the growth cubes, and keep them in a dish of water.


While your seedlings are in water, you can prepare the lid of your container for planting. On the lids trace the outlines of plastic planting cones. You can get on a 5-gallon lid four to six evenly spaced, but be careful not to get them too close to the edge of the lid. Cut out the circles you have traced with the plastic planting cones, and insert the cones into the holes.


Now you can create your water nutrient solution. This is the most crucial step in hydroponic growing; remember you must supply via water all the nutrients plants would normally get through the soil. You can find many pre-mixed hydroponics solutions out there to use as the base for your solution. Mix together 2 teaspoons of the pre-mixed hydroponic fertilizer (8-15-36 works well), 2 teaspoons of calcium nitrate, and 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) in a 5-gallon container. In a cup of water dissolve each of these ingredients one at a time and then add the water to the drum. After adding the nutrients you need to put water in the drum filled nearly to the top.


After your seedlings have been sitting in water for two weeks, they are ready to add to the planters. First, place your lid over the drum and secure it in place with duct tape. Inside the plastic planting cones, which should already be in the holes you made in your drum lid, place the root cubes with the seedling in it. Equal amounts of direct and indirect sunlight works best as hydroponic lettuce needs plenty of sunlight.


You will need to keep an eye on the plants for any insects or worms. Always remove insects by hand if you see any. Though pesticides are used in hydroponic gardeningm for small scale plant projects it is not recommended. Also, keep an eye on the water in the drum, make sure the plants are taking water, and make sure the water level is not getting too low.


Within 4 to 5 weeks, you should have fully grown lettuce plants, ready to pick. To pick, simply remove the leaves. There are some hydroponic growth mediums that are recyclable, however root cubes are not and should only be used one time.

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