The Ultimate Gardening Secret Is The Sun-Mar Centrex 2000-NE Composting Toilet
Dec 1st, 2010 by Myarticle

Each living organism consumes nutrients and creates waste. To change waste back to nutrients and conclude this cycle, nature uses the processes of decomposition and evaporation. As time and again the situation, nature seems to do this in the best possible manner. There are numerous advantages of recycling and simplifying your needs. Many individuals are aware of composting toilets. Those, particularly, who are in the alternative movement; they are utilizing them for compost in their gardens. They start the regeneration of the Earth’s precious environment. Countless folks do not contemplate where their sewage and waste ends up once it is flushed. A lot of people may think that a composting toilet is an outhouse toilet; possibly a horrible recollection of a camping trip. Well, this is not the case. Composting toilets are far from being outhouse toilets! They vary from straightforward, twin chamber designs to highly developed systems with rotating tynes, temperature and moisture probes, and electronic control systems. They are very effectual natural converters of human and household waste. They save money and energy for many folks and societies.

The Sun-Mar composting toilet is one of the most popular brands. The Sun-Mar Centrex 2000-NE is one of their more popular models. It is designed for heavy to medium service in a cabin, cottage, or light residential home. For a little better idea of the seasonal capacity, it would be six adults or a family of eight, and for residential use it would be three adults or a family of five. Compost will usually need to be taken out annually each spring when utilized on a seasonal basis. Compost will have to be extracted regularly for residential use that is more frequent.

For a traditional sort of toilet in the bathroom, the Sun-Mar Centrex 2000-NE family low flush units are ideal. Centrex family low flush systems are designed for service with a Sealand 1 pint flush toilet. The Sealand in the bathroom is connected by a standard 3” plumbing pipe to the composting unit which is below the toilet and ordinarily within 15-20 feet. A Sealand one pint flush toilet is required for use with this unit and is sold separately. The Centrex 2000-NE SunMar toilets can be used with more than one Sealand low flush toilet.

The unit is sent completely constructed and its dimensions are H x W x D: 27 x 46 x 27”. For those with no continuous 110 volt power supply it is a non-electric unit.

A patented bio-drum is featured in all Sun-Mar composting toilets ensuring fast and odorless decomposition. The unit consumes little water, saving you thousands of gallons of water while recycling waste into safe, fertilizing, useable soil. The unit is odorless and is certified and listed by the NSF (National Science Foundation). It is fitted with a 4” vent stack and installation of a 12 Volt fan is optional, but is recommended for heavy seasonal use, residential use, or where the installation is particularly exposed to downdraft or surrounded by high trees or hills. We also advise the fan if you must put in a bend in your vent stack. Sun-Mar offers non-electric and electric models.

2000 series units are complete with a 1” drain hose which should be joined to the 1” drain at the bottom of the unit. This is for handling excess liquid.

Every electric unit is supplied with a power cord and pre-molded plug that attaches to a standard 3 pin 115 Volt outlet. This powers both the heating element as well as the fan. An alternate source of electricity, like a solar panel, can be used for non-electric models; 12 Volt fans can be put in the stack and connected to a battery which draws from the alternate source.

In case of emergency each electric units also incorporates a ½” safety drain. This must be joined during heavy usage, when power outages are predicted, or during residential use. NE (Non-electric), AC/DC, Space Saver Models, and Sun-Mar Mobile units are all fitted with 1” drains which should be joined to a drain hole, some type of container, or other facility.

Sun-Mar Centrex units serve as a dependable year-round facility. During the bitter winter months it can be prepared for continuous or intermittent use. Through the winter, the unit may be used as a holding tank if your Sun-Mar Centrex will be in use often or in a residence where the temperature stays more than 55 degrees F at all times. This ensures composting continues.

When you acquire your system it comes with a 5 year manufacturer’s warranty on the fiberglass tank and 3 years on replacement of all other components. At no added cost the unit is delivered complete with all necessary to install and operate the system; a rake for periodic clearing of the evaporating chamber, dried bacteria for getting the unit underway, and also a 30LB bag of peat mix (all Centrex 2000 and Centrex 3000 Models come with 2 bags). Your Vent Stack and every single central system consists of a “Compost Quick” enzyme for hastening the composting and a diffuser vent cap for a 2” or 4” pipe as appropriate. And definitely your owner’s manual (specific to each system). The only exception is the 3” plumbing pipe and fittings required to hook up a 1 pint flush toilet to a central composting unit.

One of the important tasks is the setting up of the vent stack, which is provided with all units. All vent pipes are thin wall PVC and every single vent kit comes with all fittings, pipes, and vent intake assembly. Also included is a waste inlet assembly for every central unit. The complete waste inlet piping kit for A/F systems is a ten foot 1” diameter drain hose. To catch any [extra peat moss there is an evaporating tray positioned beneath the drum screen.

Engineered by the air flow from inside the system, every Sun Mar unit is an odor free environment. This keeps up a partial vacuum continuously. Air is being drawn in from either the vent chimney on the non-electric units or from the fan. It moves through the evaporating chamber and out through the vent stack. This constantly pulls air in to guarantee that no smell escapes from the system in addition to evaporates the surplus liquid. The evaporation in electric units is helped by a thermostatically controlled heater that is in a sealed compartment underneath the evaporating chamber.

The Sun-Mar features an only one of its kind Bio-drum that makes sure aerobic microbes flourish so that they go to work rapidly breaking down waste and transforming it helpful soil for the earth.  Peat mix and waste bulking material enter through the port for the waste inlet located at the top of the drum. On the self-contained systems, simply rotate the drum periodically by turning the handle on the front to ventilate and mix the compost. This is on the side on the central units. The inlet door closes automatically for the duration of the rotation keeping the compost in the drum.

Merely rotate the drum backwards after releasing the drum locker when you are prepared to clear out compost from the Bio-drum. The inlet port in the Bio-Drum will open automatically and compost will fall directly into the finishing drawer of the compositor. The Bio-drum locks itself in a top dead center position after rotating. It is then all set to receive fresh material. Composting can be completed without contamination from fresh waste in the drawer because it has an independent compost drawer for finishing. The compost is gradually in the drawer until ready for removal.

One of the two purposes the finishing drawer performs is to gather the compost in an isolated container that is within reach. The other is to finish the sanitation and composting process. As soon as this is done the compost can be safely taken out!

Sun-Mar toilets create no contaminants and are designed not only to harness these natural processes, but to optimize and accelerate them while gathering nutrients. Toilet waste is over 90% water content. This can be evaporated and delivered to the atmosphere through the vent system. The small amount of remaining material is recycled into a useful fertilizing soil. A further splendid alternative benefit is wherever there is a inadequately operating septic system; a Sun-Mar can manage the toilet waste. Sun-Mar units are quick to install, simple to operate, and efficient. Seeing as no chemicals and no septic systems are used, delicate environments can be protected. A Sun-Mar composting system is an environmentally healthy option for recycling human waste.

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