Great Treament For Your Lawn Care Problems From Dallas Lawn Care
Nov 21st, 2009 by Myarticle

Having a great lawn is not an easy thing to achieve .  You will always have to encounter some problem or the other and there isn’t any assured approach to keep away from them.  All you are able to do is resort to good treatment procedures when you have Problems, in order that they don’t return again.  

Among many issues that most gardens have to face, brown patch is one of the commonest.  Some kinds of grass like St.  Augustine, Kentucky Bluegrass, Bent Grass and Bermuda are most subject to the problem of the brown patch.  If you are wondering what a brown patch is, it actually begins as a little spot and then spreads on the turf either in a horseshoe or a circle like design.  

Other than the brown patch, you will face a problem with the dollar spot which is also common.  It is named the dollar spot because of its resemblance to the form of the dollar.  However some dollar spots can also begin by resembling a grapefruit.  These little spots don’t remain tiny, because they have the potential to mix with bigger ones and become terribly wide.  They are either straw colored or brown.  

Another lawn care problem that you have to deal with is Rust.  If the blades of your grass have an orange and rusty look to them, then it implies that they are troubled by Rust.  You can confirm this further by rubbing the grass on a white tissue paper.  If the paper catches an orange color, it implies that your grass has rusted.  Rust sometimes thrives in situations where there’s low fertility, shade, high soil compaction or morning dew.  

except for the Problems discussed above, slime mold is another common lawn care problem.  Slime mold resembles little powder-like ice crystals that have covered your grass.  Don’t be misled by its harmless appearance, though.  Slime mold consumes organic matter which has rotten in the soil.  After a little time it increases in depth and forestalls sunlight from penetrating into the plant cells.  This causes the grass to modify into a yellow color and then die.  

The best weapon for proper lawn care is awareness.  If you are privy to the numerous Problems that could damage your lawn or garden, you’ll be equipped with the correct defensive techniques to protect your lawn.  Even the smallest sign of a difficulty will have you prepared with the treatment.  This will guarantee a healthy lawn that you’ll look upon with pride and a feeling of pleasure after your landscaping edging exercise.

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