Methods To Avoid Tomato Growing Problems
Sep 18th, 2011 by admin

Methods To Avoid Tomato Growing Problems

Copyright (c) 2010 Kaye Dennan

Tomato growing is a very popular hobby for many home gardeners. The taste of a freshly picked sweet tomato is a real thrill for a keen gardener and for this reason, and because they are such prolific producers, tomatoes are grown in many countries around the world. Tomato growing does come with some problems though, so here are some tips to help overcome some of those that a tomato grower will face.

Check before planting.

The actual preparation of the soil, the timing of planting and the planting process are all important to the success of the tomato crop. Spreading out the planting of several tomato varieties is one way that a home gardener can extend the harvesting season of tomatoes in the garden. Choosing the right tomato varieties to do this is also part of the success of having a longer picking season. Some varieties of tomatoes take 65 days to produce fruit whilst others may take up to 85 days so choosing the right combination of varieties will give a longer picking period.

Tomatoes need warmth to help them grow and to ripen the fruit. Before planting tomatoes, growers need to ensure that the soil temperature in their area is at least 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature during the day should also be 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature at night should be between 65 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit.


Timing of planting.

Because tomato plants are so reliant on warmth to produce fruit, even if the plant is put in the ground very early in the season the fruit still only starts to ripen at the peak of the summer with the full harvest following on from that time. The tomatoes will stop ripening as soon as the first frosts arrive as they just will not tolerate frosts.

Warmer climates offer the home gardener a chance to grow tomatoes over a much longer period becuase they get 6 to 8 hours of sunlight well into the winter period.

Growing tomatoes from seed.

If growing from seed then these can be sewn indoors in seed trays, 6 – 8 weeks prior to the planned planting time outside. Read our article “Growing Tomatoes From Seeds” which describes in detail how to start growing tomato plants from seed and the steps that need to be taken to ensure a successful transplant.

Growing container tomatoes.

Container grown tomatoes is a popular way to follow the sun during the day if the climate where you live is not generous with the sunlight. Container growing does give the gardener a chance to move the pots around to make sure the tomato plants get enough sunlight. Growing tomatoes upside down is also a popular way to grow in containers.

A long period of sunlight during the day is critical to the high productin of tomatoes, but getting the soil right is also important. Make sure the ground is well tilled before planting and that it is slightly acid with a pH level of 6.0 to 6.8. Although tomatoes are known to grow in many different types of soil, one high in organic matter, light and well drained is considered to be the best.

When using these tomato growing tips to avoid some of the main problems of tomato planting, the home gardener will have a much better chance of enjoying a lovely crop at the end of the growing season.

Growing tomatoes can be challenging but when you have read how to plant them and how to maintain them you can reap luscious tomatoes for months. Read how to Grow Tomatoes Successfully by signing up to our FREE 10 part mini-course ‘Luscious Tomatoes’.

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