Stop the Use of GMO apples – Don’t Buy or Eat Them
Apr 23rd, 2014 by Aldouspi

Apple - Isolated

Publisher Note: When I first published this post it was in hopes of stopping a GMO modified apple from going to market – this effort has failed. But guess what? You don’t have to eat these apples or buy this apple or support fast food restaurants that use this apple. Your dollars are one of the best way to create an organic and safe eating future.

Nothing is more American than the apple tree. We cannot allow corporate greed coupled with GMO’s (genitically modified organisms) to destroy this fruit – stop genetically modified apples.


The USDA has approved the first genetically modified apple – the Arctic Apple.

These genetically engineered apples could end up everywhere from school lunches to grocery stores, posing risks to our health, our environment and apple farmers across the United States.

Like other GMOs, it won’t be labeled and won’t have undergone independent safety testing — regulators will rely on the company’s sole assessment that the apple is safe for human consumption. Guess what kind of information the corporations selling this stuff will tell you…

Worse yet, this GMO apple was genetically engineered via a new, virtually untested experimental technique called RNA interference, which many scientists are concerned may have negative, unintended impacts on human health and the environment.

We need your help today, right now, to tell the USDA to say no to GMO apples.

Sign petitions, do not buy GMO apples – Arctic Apples, for example, or support those who utilize GMO apple in their food products. Do not buy the stock of corporations who produce such products. And finally, vote to get sane people back into the government.

More on GMO’s – Genetically Modified Organisms

If GMO companies such as Monsanto really cared about the people, then they should label their products. Then the consumer would be able to exercise their right to choose. Instead Monsanto and the rest of the GMO companies aren’t labeling their products. And they spend millions lying to people about the value of GMO’s when elections come around to get labels on these foods.

Why do they do this? Because these corporations know that if the food was labeled – no one would buy them because there is no real value to a GMO food and a lot of risk. People are not buying GMO foods in Europe or Japan and even in Paraguay! These areas of the world, who have jobs and food, have banned these risky, if not deadly products.

GMO’s also pose other health risks. When a transgene functions in a new cell, it may produce different proteins than the ones intended. They may be harmful, but there’s no way to know without scientific testing. Bt-toxin is the pesticidal protein that is produced by the cells of genetically modified plants – where are those toxins going to end up?

The GMO information movement also points out that the deputy FDA Commissioner, Michael Taylor, worked for Monsanto, a major GMO producer. Their point was that he is pro-Monsanto rather than pro-consumer. That seems to be the case. The revolving door between the money-makers and the safety inspectors is shameful. There must be an independent decision maker in charge of looking at our foods and medicines.

The makers of GMO foods may say their modifications are like natural the mutation process, insertion or removal of genes. But this is not the Mother Nature version where a mutation occurs in nature and is tested over hundreds, if not thousands of years. This is not the sweet pea example from your grade school science class as done by Gregor Mendel. Gregor Mendel did not splice pig DNA into the sweet pea genetic code!

ARE they safe? Well, the actual companies that use these GMO technologies, refuse to have genetically modified food sources served in there cafeterias. Believe me, this is documented. As a matter of fact one of the main companies that use gene modifying techniques is Monsanto. And anyone can find out that they will not serve GM food to employees.

GMO’s or genetically modified organisms are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. The techniques, generally known as recombinant DNA technology, use DNA molecules from different sources, which are combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes. The DNA is then transferred into an organism, giving it modified or novel genes. You may have heard it called gene splicing. GMO’s are the constituents of genetically modified or biotech foods. This process can only happen in a laboratory. It does not happen in nature. It is not selective breeding, plant breeding and animal breeding.

“Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are the result of laboratory processes which artificially insert foreign genes into the DNA of food crops or animals. Those genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. Although banned by food manufacturers in Europe and elsewhere, the FDA does not require any safety evaluations. Most Americans say they would not eat GMOs if labeled, but the U.S. does not require labeling. GMOs are not safe, but have been in the food supply since 1996 and are now present in the vast majority of processed foods in the US.” – Responsible Technology.

So when will the consumer get to know the truth and have its voice heard – my fear is that unless we act together today. Nothing will change until corpses shout out the alarm.

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