Getting An Automatic Indoor Plant Watering
Nov 18th, 2009 by Myarticle

Rather than use an indoor plant watering can, there are some individuals that have grown tired of that system and are looking for other ways to water their plants.  There are now many automatic plant watering systems on the market today, some of which can be bought ready made and others that can be made from scratch out of the materials that the person has around the house.  The less expensive systems can cost around ten dollars and the more expensive systems can cost over one hundred dollars, depending on the system.  There are also automatic plant watering systems that are made for more exotic species of indoor plants such as the orchid so that they get the amount of water that they need.

Types Of Automatic Indoor Plant Watering

In some automatic plant watering systems, the individuals can create the watering system through the placement of wicks in the base of the plants.  The wicks are usually cotton material that is placed in the bottom of the plant’s pot by the roots and then threaded through the bottom of the pot.  The other end is placed into a trough of water.  When the roots get dry, the automatic plant watering system works like a siphon.  The water is sucked up through the wick into the pot so that the roots get the water.  It is an ingenious system that uses little material and works using he laws of nature.

Other automatic plant watering systems are more complex.  In some systems, there is a reservoir of water that is placed high up on a shelf or counter.  In this way, it creates the ability for the water to drain from the reservoir, through some tubing, into the pots of the plants which are placed on the floor around the device.The device is set in such a manner that the plants do not receive excess of water at a time.When the family is going on a holiday for a long period these are very efficient at that time.  Many of these automatic plant watering systems will water the plants up to forty days.  In some systems, there can be up to twenty plants hooked up to the system for watering over that amount of time.

There are also other instruments that can help with watering, even though they do not provide an automatic plant watering system.The indoor plant watering hose are available to hooked up to the tap for the people who cannot haul a watering can around.  This relieves the burden of carrying the can around to water the plants.

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