What Is Container Vegetable Gardening?
Sep 9th, 2010 by Myarticle

What exactly is container vegetable gardening you may be asking?

Well the answer is not really so difficult!  As the name suggests, instead of using land for growing vegetables, you use containers and pots to grow your vegetable garden instead.

Of course yes, you may transplant your vegetables to the vegetable patch or to earth proper later on, but for the most part it is concentrating on the growing of vegetables and fruits and herbs in containers.

What is the reason for using containers instead of a vegetable patch?

There are in fact many benefits when it comes to the use of container vegetable gardening.

The first benefit is that you have more control of the environment of where your baby plants are growing.  If the sun is excessive or too hot, you can simply move the tender and delicate plants. 

Or if there is a heavy storm with rain, hail and thunder, again you can quickly move your plants instead of them being damaged and dying from too harsh an element.

Again, if the position attracts the birds, you can move position once again.

For some people it is a question of space.  Not all of us have the luxury of a garden and enough space for a vegetable patch.  Some of us live in cities where we are lucky to have a balcony!

This is one of the major benefits of container vegetable gardening.  If you have a small balcony you can still start a vegetable patch.  Here, you just use containers instead. 

With container vegetable gardening, even the urban folk can enjoy their spot of gardening and get there green in.  You don’t need that much space for a container garden.

Even those who don’t have a balcony can still do a spot of container vegetable gardening.  If you have a window sill that gets sun – that is enough.

Hence there are many benefits to the world of container vegetable gardening and one of the most important is that it opens up the world of gardening to those without enough space for a garden.  You can do a spot of container vegetable gardening and still delight in the pleasure of gardening and growing vegetables.

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