Oil In My Garden Made Me Rich
Dec 22nd, 2009 by Myarticle

All my life I have been struggling to get by, with no money and zilch in my life things were backbreaking. I never really had a decent job or an income that was worth shouting about, the reason I think this was, was simply due down to the fact that I could not find something I was interested in.

Well my life literally started a few months ago when I made the decision to actually do a bit of gardening. I am not a very big gardener myself but I had to do something because the garden was becoming overgrown. My neighbour had even given me some left over mushroom compost to get me a little more enthusiastic,  so I finally got my gloves on and started mowing the lawn. While I took the time to cut the grass all I could see was a black stain.

I went to enquire this blot further and what happened was I saw a huge puddle of oil. I got quite scared so I phoned the authorities to see what was happening. When they told me that I had a huge amount of oil under the family house I could not stop smiling. I went to a specialist and got this oil evaluated and to my shock they said it was worth one million pounds.

They said they needed to buy the house off me and gave me double the asking value. Since then my life has completely changed. I didn’t squander the money I invested it into property which is something I have thoroughly enjoyed being my own boss and being in control.

It was luck that made me spot that oil, and any home could in fact have the same luck if they looked hard enough. So start up heaving your topsoil and start looking as you never know what you might find.

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