One Way To Make Free Compost For Your Top Soil
Sep 20th, 2010 by Myarticle

When it comes to plants, vegetables and fruit growing, gardeners can be very dedicated to making sure that everything is perfect and that their top soil is of the finest quality. The average amount of time that most gardeners spend tending for their gardens is quite remarkable and time spent improving top soil is never overlooked. Of all the activities that people in the UK get up to, gardening is high up in the list of popularity. Of course there is one thing that makes gardening less pleasurable – the price.

Gardening costs can be kept to a minimum however, especially when finding ways to improve top soil. There are many ways therefore to improve top soil without the need to go down the road of spending an enormous amount of cash.

The first thing that every serious gardener must do to ensure that their top soil is of the highest quality is to ensure that a compost heap is built. All professional gardeners will tell you that a compost heap is the single most important thing that all gardeners of any experience can do to improve their top soil.

A compost heap will encourage organic matter that is no longer required in other areas of the garden, such as dead leaves, to decompose faster into a concentrated material that can be added to top soil. This additional nutrient and organic matter content is crucial to the performance of good top soil. It is essential for nutrients to be present in the top soil mix so that plants can take what they need to survive, some taking more than others. the additional organic content provided by compost being added to the top soil is essential for good drainage and water retention balance. This is important to ensure that nutrients in the top soil don’t simply get washed away by heavy rain.

The most important aspect to any compost is to make sure that only organic matter is put into it in the first place. There is information readily available on what to include in good compost to make good top soil.

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