Your Questions About Seeds
May 23rd, 2011 by Garden Lover

William asks…


Do you HAVE to always dry out seeds before you plant them?
I have planted some sweet pepper seeds straight from the peppers and they are not sprouting.
Be kind, I have never planted anything before!

Garden Lover answers:

~ If not properly ‘ripe’ & dry the seeds will begin to get mildew and rot from the dampness (which seeds need to get going) – and therefore will not germinate & grow.
~ Fill a seed tray with seed compost
~ Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the surface
~ Sprinkle a thin layer of compost, just to cover the seeds (or follow whatever the instructions say on the packet)
~ Water evenly and carefully with a fine-rose watering can
~ Keep in a LIGHT warm place (keeping just damp) until germinated.
~ As soon as seeds and ‘handle-able’ transplant them, either to pots or outside – depending on what seeds they are. Peppers really need to be under glass.

Helen asks…


what will happen when seeds grow in:
a fridge
without oxygen
Without water

will they grow or wont they grow??
Thanks =D

Garden Lover answers:

Seeds require water and oxygen. Without those, no growth.

Many seeds can start in darkness, but will not produce much chlorophyll, and so be pale or white.

Since your fridge is set below 40 degress F, most seeds will sit dormant until they warm up. There might be a few tundra species that think of your fridge as a nice, warm place, though.

Ken asks…

How to germinate seeds from paper towels + is it a good idea?

I have been growing vegetables in England outdoors, but without much success, as the seeds have not been germinating well. I heard from a friend that her daughter had been germinating seeds out of paper towels at school.

Is it a good idea for me to germinate seeds from paper towels then put them back into the soil?
How do you do this?
And what the conditions needed and is there any other ways for seeds to germinate?

And last thing can any plant be germinated this way of method?

Many thanks!

Garden Lover answers:

Damp paper towel, sprinkle on a few seeds, place towel in plastic zip-type bag, place in sunny window (here in US south is the sunny side.) When they sprout carefully tear the towel and place seedling on good potting soil. You can cover the pot with saran wrap or put it in a zip bag, creating a mini green house. When you have 3-4 sets of mature leaves, plant outside.

Linda asks…

How do you get seeds from plants that don’t produce seeds?

When browsing the store for plant seeds I notice some seeds from plants that do not seem to produce seeds. An example would be carrots but I am sure there are many more.

Garden Lover answers:

Carrots are biennial plants, which means they don’t produce seeds until the second year. Most gardeners don’t let carrots grow that long, so they never see the seeds.


Susan asks…

Are you supposed to eat the seeds in seeded grapes or spit them out?

I am eating these big black grapes with seeds in them. I choose to eat the seeds because my mom does the same and also because she claims that it is healthy to eat them. Is there any truth to this? Are the seeds of grapes really inedible like the seeds of an apple? Thanks.

Garden Lover answers:

You can eat the seeds in grapes as well as apples.
You may have seen the supplement known as Grape Seed Extract – grape seeds contain antioxidants.

Apple seeds contain Vitamin B17 which is considered an anti-cancer vitamin. Note that apple seeds also contain cyanide, a poison – so do not eat more seeds than in one apple each day…

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