Creative Roof Garden Ideas
Feb 28th, 2010 by Myarticle

If you’re a city dweller and are fortunate enough to have access to a little roof or balcony space, you have the unique opportunity to create an oasis garden in the midst of all the concrete. These areas have some unique obstacles and challenges for landscaping ideas because they are most often directly in the path of constant wind and scorching sun. However, with careful planning and planting you can create a screen to block much of the wind, and some shade, either manmade (screens, awnings, canopies) or natural, to give protection from the worst of the sun.

The first and most important step in planning a garden like this is to find out how good the construction of the building is. Find out what materials the roof or balcony is made of and how it is put together. A balcony can be a small space. If it will have to hold a lot of potted plants, containers, and other elements, it should be able to support the weight. If you’re building a small garden on a roof, the roof must be waterproof so that there are no leaks. A good drainage system is also important to get rid of excess water. Safe access to the roof is necessary if it is going to be easy to get to and enjoyed.

It’s possible that there may be some utility poles and wire around your roof or balcony garden. These can easily be hidden or screened out simply by giving your planting scheme a little thought. While small containers and pots filled with flowers will add a visual element to the garden, taller larger container plants can also create a screen to block out neighboring views and keep your atmosphere in. Roof top gardens are the same as any small garden designs, patio design, and courtyards, in the sense that you should try not to crowd the small amount of space that you have. Be sure to keep a little room to sit and enjoy any views that can be saved and framed rather than completely covered up.

Long wooden planters will spread the load and are preferable to using many small round pots. You can also add water absorbing polymer crystals to your planting mix. This will cut down on daily watering and maintenance needs as they hold moisture in the soil until plants need it and less evaporates. If the roof is unable to hold much weight, you may also consider watering with hydroponics. And since hydroponically grown plants only need liquid and a light base, the pots and plants don’t weigh as much as pots full of soil.

You may also consider keeping a wormery in your roof garden so that you can give your plants some rich organics while also being responsibly green.

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