Your Questions About Garden Roses
Mar 23rd, 2011 by Garden Lover

Sandy asks…

Is there a rose garden, anywhere, that has more than a million roses in it?

I want to know what’s the greatest amount of roses in a garden, and if one actually contains a million.

Garden Lover answers:

Take a look at the Jackson & Perkins rose farms Near Bakersfield California. Reported to have 5000 acres of roses under cultivation containing 10 million plants. Not really a garden, but a whole lot of roses in one place.

Donna asks…

I am wanting to plant a rose garden…..What type of roses should I plant?

I have a flower garden that is full sun. I was told that roses could handle the sun. Is there a certain type of rose that I should plant??

Garden Lover answers:

It really depends on your soil type. Try English roses or the heirloom varieties. They are the easiest to grow and maintain. Remember to cut off the flowers as they die and before they form hips so the roses will continue to bloom throughout the season. Japanese beetles find roses delicious, so be prepared. Trim back any branches that are thinner than a pencil, because they can’t support a blossom and will cause the branches to “droop” and grow weak blooms. Good luck!

Oh…and an aside….while I was touring gardens in Paris, I noticed that gardeners there would often grow herbs with roses and let the herbs choke out weeds. I thought it was both extremely clever and space efficient and have done the same thing in my rose garden. Thyme, mint, lemon balm and oregano all work very well.

Mary asks…

Can I give roses from my garden to anyone?

I have a fairly large rose garden and have to cut flowers before they make seeds so that they keep blooming. They are dozens of beautiful pink and red fragrant rose stems in full bloom, and I hate to throw them away. Can I just give to just friends or co-workers for no reason? Do you think they make some second guess? Or will they be annoyed?

Garden Lover answers:

Put a sign in your yard saying roses12.99 a dozen, and sell them

Charles asks…

What can a dream about a garden full or roses mean?

Last night I dreamed that I was in a garden full of roses, nothing happened, I just walked around. There were only roses and grass…
Does this mean anything? Or was it just a nice dream?

Garden Lover answers:

Perhaps, you have Spring Fever and desire more than the grimness of Winter.

William asks…

Im planting a rose garden & the area only gets about 4 hrs of sunlight. Will my roses grow or just stay as is?

the area does get about 4 hours of full sunlight and i know that the roses wont die if they dont have full sunlight all day long but i also want them to grow and not stay little.

Garden Lover answers:

Well, there are shade tolerant roses out there. As for staying little, plants in shade tend to reach out for the sun so they won’t be stunted.

Here are some that I know of:

Clair Matin
Excellenz von Schubert
Golden Showers
Gruss an Aachen
Mary Rose
Pink Knock Out
Rainbow’s End
Rosa chinensis ‘Mutabilis’
Sally Holmes
The Fairy
Zéphirine Drouhin

Here are some links to more:… (huge list of shade tolerant roses)…

Hope this helps you. Just a little note, I have a friend who is a landscaper. Just happens that she lives in the oak forest but LOVES roses. She loves them so much that she plants them all over her yard and they are suprisingly doing well. She just takes any that she likes and sees what happens. Generally they grow taller than normal because they are “stretching” but they do flower and are not diseased. It’s really a nice surprise. Now, these are not ideal conditions but just shows how resilient plants are.

Good luck!

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